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ear plugs - worth getting expencive 1s?

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Laurence, wiggle.gif one of my friends has got some really gd ones from Richer Sounds (they're only a tenner) which are much better than the boots ones but a lot less expensive than £60!!


they are designed to cut out the damaging high frequencies whilst u can still enjoy the music, hear convos, spk to people etc


he plays at a lot of gigs and goes clubbing too + says they make a real difference! in fact, i went clubbing with him last wk, and my ears were ringing horribly 4 ages after and his werent at all so just goes to show!


these ones are a transparenty colour and pretty discreet, i wasnt aware he had them in till he told me! thumbs.gif

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CreamyC said:

LiamStyles said:

Why.....am i useless?


Got it in one.


Arf, Arf !

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Yup, as wub says (amazingly I'm agreeing wink.gif ) the cheap ones just cut out everyhting.... no good really. Youre ears won't be damaged but you'll hear [censored] all.


I hear the Richer Sounds ones are a budget alternative, but I'm defo going to get some proper ones for playing in Ibiza as I don't want to damage my ears playing on a loud system.


I've never had problems with my ears, and that's the way I want it to stay. I've only ever had my ears ringing once, and so I'm going to get the proper fitted ones - can be up to £100 but what's the price of good hearing? confused.gif


Anyway, if you think it's bollocks, Sasha, Diggers, Shan, Guffy and many others cant be wrong.... notworthy.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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Ameliainleeds said:

Laurence, wiggle.gif one of my friends has got some really gd ones from Richer Sounds (they're only a tenner) which are much better than the boots ones but a lot less expensive than £60!!


moneys no object as my parents said they would by em 4 me - what ever the cost (this is as good as "yes laurence - we want u to go out clubbimg MORE" from my parents laugh.gif)





thanx 4 u help every1 deffo gonna get some now spliff.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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Ameliainleeds said:

aw wicked, wish my parents would!! notworthy.gif


hmmm, maybe i should go around sayin 'i can't hear you' to them scratchchin.gifidea.gifevil_laugh.gif


hahhahaha - go 4 it

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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Mr_Happy said:

right - my mum is talking me into getting these £60 ear plugs that r ment to be scientifically designed so u can hear convos but it dampens loud noices.


she said she would pay 4 em as well



i've been seriously considering wareing plugs into sum venues 4 a while now but i wanna know if these proper designed 1s that r ment to protect ur hearing r ne cop 4 clubbing compared to the cheepy 1s u get in boots that dont actually protect ur hearing, just make it less loud


Do you reckon she'd buy me some too? shrug.gif


Nice to see that so many people are taking this subject so seriously - nice one. Your hearing is very important ... keep it!! thumbs.gif

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Nick G said:

Nice to see that so many people are taking this subject so seriously - nice one. Your hearing is very important ... keep it!! thumbs.gif


i was bloody impressed by it all as well. EVEN kev posted a serious post @ the top!!!! eek.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
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I'm giving thought to getting some ear plugs. Often my ears are ringing a bit when I come out of clubs (esp. North lol - it's too loud next to the speakers in room1 - how can peeps dance directly in front of the speakers confused.gif!!) Thank god it stops pretty quick though!

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