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Laser Eye Surgery


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A dude from work has recently has his eyes lasered. He was 2.5 in one eye and 3.5 in the other - £1000/eye to have it fixed... and this is how they do it:


Sadative (vallium) to help to go drowsy

Local anesthetic on the eyes (eye drops) - can't do a full knock out 'cos eyes flip up into head

Worst bit - they attach a sucker to your eye ball and pull it partially out of the socket (don't forget you are awake!!), and they then take a scalpel and cut of flap out of the surface of your eye ball!!!! and peel the flap back. Laser is on for about 20 seconds - you smell your eye burning... mmmm nice!!


It's worked a treat, but that's a pretty nasty procedure considering you are awake!!

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MattD said:

Oh yeah defo - imagine having that done though nut.gif


i did as i was reading it (i have a VERY VIVID imagination) thats y it was soo sick

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
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Clubbing_Si said:

i fancy getting that done on my knob lol.gif


You fancy smelling your own knob burning do you? That can arranged that with a fag lighter if you like?

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MattD said:

A dude from work has recently has his eyes lasered. He was 2.5 in one eye and 3.5 in the other - £1000/eye to have it fixed... and this is how they do it:


Sadative (vallium) to help to go drowsy

Local anesthetic on the eyes (eye drops) - can't do a full knock out 'cos eyes flip up into head

Worst bit - they attach a sucker to your eye ball and pull it partially out of the socket (don't forget you are awake!!), and they then take a scalpel and cut of flap out of the surface of your eye ball!!!! and peel the flap back. Laser is on for about 20 seconds - you smell your eye burning... mmmm nice!!


It's worked a treat, but that's a pretty nasty procedure considering you are awake!!



When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
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MattD said:

Clubbing_Si said:

i fancy getting that done on my knob lol.gif


You fancy smelling your own knob burning do you? That can arranged that with a fag lighter if you like?


only if u do it m8y


lol ur posts crack me up


ta muchly thumbs.gif

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Clubbing_Si said:

You fancy smelling your own knob burning do you? That can arranged that with a fag lighter if you like?


only if u do it m8y


1 toasted knob coming up laugh.gifthefinger.gif

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MattD said:

Clubbing_Si said:

i fancy getting that done on my knob lol.gif


You fancy smelling your own knob burning do you? That can arranged that with a fag lighter if you like?



Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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I've seen people having eye surgery done. I've seen people having cateracts removed & squints corrected all while the patients were awake.


The worst bit was when they have to inject the anaesthetic into the corner of your eye.

Imagine watching the needle coming towards you knowing its going in you eye

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rachel said:

I've seen people having eye surgery done. I've seen people having cateracts removed & squints corrected all while the patients were awake.


The worst bit was when they have to inject the anaesthetic into the corner of your eye.

Imagine watching the needle coming towards you knowing its going in you eye



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