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Bored at Work!

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Whos bored at work today?


Cant even catch up on editing all the dj profiles cos its al on my pc at home!


Think i might dismantle my laptop & put it back together just for the hell of it

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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laugh.gif Why the hell not babe, know exactly how u feel, well i don't cause i'm in my dressing gown eating toast and having a fag but i'm with u in spirit! laugh.gif

Bookings contact Lisa @ Nukleuz on 02077207320


  • 5th @ Ingo's Studio
  • 13th @ Serge's Studio (Fevah)
  • 20th @ Frantic Vs. Wildchild, London
  • 24th @ Sessions, Leeds
  • 26th @ Incision, Leeds
  • 27th @ Addiction, Manc
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  • CTW Promotors

Ive dismantled it & put it back together - took all of 1/2 hour now im back on here

Posting random shite for the hell of it!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors
MrFart said:

Im bored at work eating KFC at the mo and trying to ponce sum money to go clubbing tonight, lend us a score anyone??? nut.gif


Lend me a score instead, I need it more. Suzie needs her money from last night.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

MrFart said:

Im bored at work eating KFC at the mo and trying to ponce sum money to go clubbing tonight, lend us a score anyone??? nut.gif


Lend me a score instead, I need it more. Suzie needs her money from last night.


You still owe me a bullseye for getting you those Justin Timberlake tickets on the quiet for you grin.gif

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  • CTW Promotors
MrFart said:

CreamyC said:

MrFart said:

Im bored at work eating KFC at the mo and trying to ponce sum money to go clubbing tonight, lend us a score anyone??? nut.gif


Lend me a score instead, I need it more. Suzie needs her money from last night.


You still owe me a bullseye for getting you those Justin Timberlake tickets on the quiet for you grin.gif


Well they were on the quiet until you went and told the whole damm board.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

MrFart said:

CreamyC said:

MrFart said:

Im bored at work eating KFC at the mo and trying to ponce sum money to go clubbing tonight, lend us a score anyone??? nut.gif


Lend me a score instead, I need it more. Suzie needs her money from last night.


You still owe me a bullseye for getting you those Justin Timberlake tickets on the quiet for you grin.gif


Well they were on the quiet until you went and told the whole damm board.


Well you should have paid the innit smash.gif

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  • CTW Members
SarahPvc said:

Whos bored at work today?


Cant even catch up on editing all the dj profiles cos its al on my pc at home!


Think i might dismantle my laptop & put it back together just for the hell of it


Im very bored at work today!! banghead.gifbanghead.gif


But it is Friday so there is light at the end of a very dark tunnel!! grin.gif


Am starving aswell, a trip to McDoanlds at lunch i think!!

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  • CTW Promotors
MrFart said:

CreamyC said:

MrFart said:

Im bored at work eating KFC at the mo and trying to ponce sum money to go clubbing tonight, lend us a score anyone??? nut.gif


Lend me a score instead, I need it more. Suzie needs her money from last night.


You still owe me a bullseye for getting you those Justin Timberlake tickets on the quiet for you grin.gif


I wanted those tickets!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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SarahPvc said:

MrFart said:

CreamyC said:

MrFart said:

Im bored at work eating KFC at the mo and trying to ponce sum money to go clubbing tonight, lend us a score anyone??? nut.gif


Lend me a score instead, I need it more. Suzie needs her money from last night.


You still owe me a bullseye for getting you those Justin Timberlake tickets on the quiet for you grin.gif


I wanted those tickets!


How you wanna pay for them, cash or sex? wiggle.gif

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I'm bored! I just got in from college and I have got a few hours of revision to do before going out tonight, I'll feel guilty otherwise! frown.gif


Sarah - Watch out for that Mr Fart, hes a dodgy one, hehehe tongue.gif

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