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does anyone actually pay to get into events


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i'm going to two events this weekend and im gettin into both of em free

and everyone i know thats goin is also gettin in free by winning competitions etc .

R there anyone out there actually paying the full price on the door


and if not ,how do peeps like frantic make any money


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i do! paid bloody £76 for NYE! altho that woz including a coach. hardcore heaven woz £25 but that woz just a ticker, and slammin woz £49 inc. the coach!

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well do u know wot thats called chell, its called being walked over! get it sorted!

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Chell_sat_on_a_rock said:

I always pay my way.... and normally other ppls aswell confused.gif

ive had my fair share of [censored] leeches angryfire.gif,

still hav ,u know the ones that keep asking for favours like 'can u get me in the guest list ''lend me £20 quid 'and 'give me a lift'

They take but they never seem to give back.They are always skint but they seem to do all rite for themselve wen it comes to scoring a secret supply of ket.

but the biggest question is why do i keep on helpin them out banghead.giffuckwit doh


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its cos ur too soft with ppl spanner. its something that im getting a grip off too at the mo. fed up off ppl takin me for a ride all the time. ya try n be nice with ppl, n they just take the piss. if they cant afford it they shud stay at home winge.gif

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

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I don't mind paying to get into events- especially those run by my friends, y shud they let me in 4 free? They're runnin a business, if i was runnin a club and let evryone i am friends with in for free i'd go bankrupt!

Dance your cares away, worries for another day, let the music sway, down at fraggle rock!

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I usually pay too, there has been the odd occassion wen I've got in for nowt tho (usually Garlands). grin.gif

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I don't usually pay for much down south. Another story up north tho.....think its all about who yah' know.

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spanner - paula. glad it ain't just me. *clamping down*


so many £10 and £20's add up biting.gif

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Always pay me own way... Occassionally mates too... But it used to be all the fookin' time with mates/brothers/etc...


It used to piss me off how some people would leech off me so I could afford to go out less myself, then they'd go and leech off someone else... They'd be out every weekend, and I wouldn't....


I'd also lend them money, as well as buy them drinks... And they'd come home with more than me... Never offered it back though!


I don't mind helping out mates - and still do. But know the more genuine ones now, who have/will help me out in return. The rule we used to have as mates is that we wouldn't necissarily expect money back and things, but when you're in a position to help out someone who otherwise couldn't go out, you'd help them. But some people really do take advantage...

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
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