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does anyone actually pay to get into events


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DotDash said:

I normaly do but this month I havn't paid to get into a club and I've been out 6 times. It is who you know, or what you can offer the club.


In ur case a lift to london and bac wink.gif

Dance your cares away, worries for another day, let the music sway, down at fraggle rock!

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spanner said:

i'm going to two events this weekend and im gettin into both of em free

and everyone i know thats goin is also gettin in free by winning competitions etc .

R there anyone out there actually paying the full price on the door


and if not ,how do peeps like frantic make any money


I havnt paid to get in a club for years! (*smug look*) laugh.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
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Chell_sat_on_a_rock said:

I don't mind paying to get into events- especially those run by my friends, y shud they let me in 4 free? They're runnin a business, if i was runnin a club and let evryone i am friends with in for free i'd go bankrupt!


well said chell notworthy.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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spanner said:

Chell_sat_on_a_rock said:

I always pay my way.... and normally other ppls aswell confused.gif

ive had my fair share of [censored] leeches angryfire.gif,

still hav ,u know the ones that keep asking for favours like 'can u get me in the guest list ''lend me £20 quid 'and 'give me a lift'

They take but they never seem to give back.They are always skint but they seem to do all rite for themselve wen it comes to scoring a secret supply of ket.

but the biggest question is why do i keep on helpin them out banghead.giffuckwit doh


i know what u meen m8


its only the last few wkds that i've had to go out on the favour of m8s and i feel really guilty doing so


thankfully thing should turn around tho


but i have noticed its almost always the same few that go out w/o ne cash and every1 else pays 4 em

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
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Mr_Happy said:

Chell_sat_on_a_rock said:

I don't mind paying to get into events- especially those run by my friends, y shud they let me in 4 free? They're runnin a business, if i was runnin a club and let evryone i am friends with in for free i'd go bankrupt!


well said chell notworthy.gif


Am gonna be finding that out for myself very soon rolleyes.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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SarahPvc said:

Mr_Happy said:

Chell_sat_on_a_rock said:

I don't mind paying to get into events- especially those run by my friends, y shud they let me in 4 free? They're runnin a business, if i was runnin a club and let evryone i am friends with in for free i'd go bankrupt!


well said chell notworthy.gif

Am gonna be finding that out for myself very soon rolleyes.gif


already been there and done that shrug.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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funny thing about this clubbin lark,u meet so many so called mates.peeps that just chat to u 4 a couple of mins then piss off 4 the rest of the night.

it could be a case of havin a quick chat about wot drugs are about then thats it,gone

one thing i always luved about clubbin was the friendly atmosphere ie makin new buddies wif total strangers,something u cant do in ur local paranoid south london garage club

i dont know if its just me,going off clubbin or being unable to stomuch the comedowns anymore but that friendliness vibe has gone away from my experience.i dont seem to be having the same fun times when i first started.(llike a relationship ,the honeymoon period has gone now it seems hard work)i do find this upsetting cos i really loved the scene n tunes when i first discovered it last year.Maybe ive over done it?

also the constant drug use is bothering me too.for instance i wonder wot a drug like ket is doin to the peeps i met and made friends wif .if u look at www.erowid.org on wot ketamine does to ur brain , it will scare the crap out of you

a part of me is dreading this wkend,how mad is that cry.gif

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spanner said:

funny thing about this clubbin lark,u meet so many so called mates.peeps that just chat to u 4 a couple of mins then piss off 4 the rest of the night.

it could be a case of havin a quick chat about wot drugs are about then thats it,gone

one thing i always luved about clubbin was the friendly atmosphere ie makin new buddies wif total strangers,something u cant do in ur local paranoid south london garage club


its called random pilled up raver syndrome!

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rickd said:

Am getting paid to go along to Reading next week for Fused...


You massive cunt!



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I'm promoting at Turnmills this weekend and knowone but knowone (bar 4 competition winners) gets in for free because of the massive venue costs. Try getting in Turnmills/The End/The Cross/Fabric for free on a saturday night and you'll struggle I think. we've had to fight hand over foot to keep the prices down to £5 b4 and £10 after - as Turnmills is usually a £15 affair. I paid £17 to get in the End the other week which is a bloody rip off.

TO get your £5 concession passes for an 11 hour special at Turnmills, bank holiday (23rd August) - check out www.hitthedancefloor.co.uk

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