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CTW Member Meet-Up: West End, London (Wednesday 28th May 2003)


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OKay, time to re-boot the London member meet-ups, the attendees we have so far are:

  • CreamyC
  • nice1bruvva
  • FredTheBaddie
  • evilhedfuk
  • James
  • Nick G
  • bunnykins
  • Jay H
  • RickD
  • rachel
  • LittleMissLoud
  • ELSxBELLS ??
  • Sophie

You know what to do to confirm your attendance ...

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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(i also confirm that whilst the 'visuals' on Matrix Reloaded are very good, the story line sucks like a nun with old dentures)

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Members
James said:



(i also confirm that whilst the 'visuals' on Matrix Reloaded are very good, the story line sucks like a nun with old dentures)



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Sorry guys, can't make it after all, I have to go Oxford to sort some things. See yah' all soon.

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Can we try and get some fit birdage to these meet ups - seems to be 90% blokes thumbsdown.gif

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  • CTW Members
IcicleSecret said:

I know plenty of fit birdage smile.gif




The more the merrier thumbs.gif

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  • James changed the title to CTW Member Meet-Up: West End, London (Wednesday 28th May 2003)

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