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[ Suggestions ] - The Direction of ClubTheWorld.com

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^ so what's your point?





"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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alasdairm said:

Capn_Jack said:

I think a rigorous policy involving the removal of topics that have created a slanging match between members should be in place. If people really want to fight each other, take it elsewhere.







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  • CTW DJs

james: i am a bit confused by ur policies regarding ctw. 1 moment your against ne kinda of moderation, then the next minute your all for it. it seems to me that the moment somebody puts a good argument for or against moderation u side with them until someone else put across a good argument


surely the best kinda moderation is common sence. most people on here dont take the piss (ie excessively fowl language, posting irrelavent topics on the more serious forums, etc). granted there is alot of digression and chitty chatty amongst some memebers, but thats gonna happen how ever strictly u control the baord as a natrual convosation will digress as it evolves


personally i like they way how ctw is managed @ teh moment. maybe a little [censoring] of cirtain key words would be an idea but even then they dont get over used so i dont see the problem shrug.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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"1 moment your against ne kinda of moderation, then the next minute your all for it"


Mr Happy - i've always been for moderation, as Alasdair and others have always said there are far too many threads going off topic and recently a heck of a lot of slating/slagging matches going on. I'm going to write up a full list of exactly how each forum should be moderated / guidelines - some will be very relaxed, some will be very strict. Alasdair hit the nail on the head about 'growing up the board'

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Mr_Happy said:

it was a statement shhh.gif


does everythin need to have a point?


it wasn't a criticism of you - it was a joke. evidently not a very good one smile.gif


i was suggesting that removing 90% of kev's posts was a no-brainer.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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  • CTW DJs
alasdairm said:

Mr_Happy said:

it was a statement shhh.gif


does everythin need to have a point?


it wasn't a criticism of you - it was a joke. evidently not a very good one smile.gif


i was suggesting that removing 90% of kev's posts was a no-brainer.




ahh sorry - i'm quite simple and dont understand 99% of internet jokes icon_smile_blush.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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CreamyC said:

Fint, its a pleasure to have you moderating. Ab spliff.gifout time.




I don't want to accuse you of the group huggage syndrome, so I'll just say thank you, it's a pleasure to be able to contribute...*affixes helmet and runs for cover*



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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hello all...this is a longish one


i'm relatively new to CTW so i thought i'd write down my experience of getting into the site and the people here so you have a better idea of what it was like for me. i may not be a usual case in the fact that i'm an established clubber in a big city with a long internet history - so there was very little that ctw seemed to offer me at first when blink told me about it and tried to rope me into a few brum based events. i don't think i bothered until blink introduced me to a few ctw folk at sundi's


after setting up my profile i sifted through the forums. there was nothing here that i could relate too, and most posts in most threads seemed to consist entirely of Creamy, Maria and Clare DC. Sarah seemed to be a friendly guide and that was all i could see of the sight, but then i looked into the producing section and found a reason to be on.


the producing section was great, but as its more of a technical / hear-my-stuff-i-might-listen-to-yours its a once-a-fortnight sift for me. i find the producing forums good as i get to know people who are on a closer wavelength and can establish at the very least working relationships with people i can get on with.


still the forums seemed something i couldn't relate too.


then - i met some folk a few folk from CTW!! and now FAO made sense, cos i could have converstaions with people connected with people i knew


so now, ctw means to me....


a place to swap ideas and comments with fellow producers


a place to reunite with people i have met in various clubs, with whom the converstaion has included "do you know what clubtheworld is"


what i would like is a mechanism for me to find people with certain interests from their profile, not posts. ie i want to search for midlands folk into hardcore. that would make ctw complete for me.


most posters on here are more concerned with posting. u need to bear that in mind, and find out what people really want to read.


i really want to read what i believe already, or what i find untrue and can prove so.


hope this helps..



cyber on the inside

desperately trying to fit in on the outside

hair by tony and guy

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iamhardhouse said:

what i would like is a mechanism for me to find people with certain interests from their profile, not posts. ie i want to search for midlands folk into hardcore. that would make ctw complete for me.


There is a profile search facility under the 'Profile Index' link, which can be found on the left of the 'Entrance' page ...




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intresting thread...bluelight is a revelation...if a bit druggy...

all things to all people though, which CTW is/could/should/might be.


The problem for CTW is critical mass. The ability to control per Ali's post depends on how many people are on the site any given time...to keep a lid on things, a la bluelight, you need it appears, (at least) a moderator per forum, on line most of time, they appear to have several. CTW has very few. They have 43,000 members, and millons of posts...


Restricting the topics or forums to try to control things will drive more people away.

Only promoting (to excess) the least intresting (imho) genres's will drive people away.

Cliqueiness drives people away.

Off Topic posts drive people away.

Slanging matches drive people away.

In fact it is much easier to drive a new member away than to keep a new member.


Answers for CTW are Difficult. As with all growth, a thing is either growing or it is dieing. The trick of management is to feed and nurture it while it is growing so it will grow bigger, and become more self sustaining, and look after it while it is dieing to keep it alive for as long as you want or you can. The key is knowing where you are on the growth/death curve, and acting accordingly.







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  • CTW Admin
James said:

Originally Posted by Fintbeast ...


This site really needs to sort out what it wants to be:


If it's a breeding ground and forum for up and coming djs and event promotion...then it needs to be more professional;


If it's a forum for helping people to organise a wicked night out with like-minded people ...then there shouldn't be room for people to slag each other off in public.


If you want it to be a place where people can have rational, frank, adult discussions about safety issues in recreational drug use...then such forums need to be moderated carefully and responsibly.


If people want to chew the fat about their day / weekend / gripes / grievances / getting mashed etc...they should be able to do this in private (i.e. chat or pm - both available already!) or in forums that really are moderated.


Why do a minority of punters have to regress to playground tactics of bitching at each other in public and trying to demonstrate how clever they are or - worse still - by hiding, in a cowardly fashion, behind the anonymous tag and taking potshots at people who are then provoked into equally stupid reactions.


Those (very few of you) that know me, will be well aware that there are people on this site that I don't have particularly high opinions of. I will happily talk about this amongst friends and I won't show two faces to the people / person in question. If I can, I avoid seeing these people. This is what you do in 'REAL LIFE'. Logging on to this site is pure escapism in the same vein as watching a good film or reading a good book...if of slightly less cultural / intellectual value.


You can take the site any way you want: it can be highly amusing, very irritating, dull or just plain weird. If these are all things which the site aspires to then congratulations you're doing a great job...if there are other aims and objectives behind the site then some things may need re-assessing...


Some very good points here Fin, thanks for your constructive comments. grin.gif


We're currently re-evaluating what our direction is with the site and what the long term goal is... Things definitely need to change around here one way or another, and if the site is to grow in a positive fashion then I do think we need to stop trying to cater for everything & everyone.


Taking some time out to think about all this ...


Fintbeast (& others),


I have now had time to think about this seriously and these are my own personal feelings (not necessarily the feelings of the commmunity or indeed the direction we will actually choose to take as a whole) ...


If it's a breeding ground and forum for up and coming djs and event promotion...then it needs to be more professional;


Correct, and as such this is on hold as from today until such a time when we are more matured and have the right people involved.


If it's a forum for helping people to organise a wicked night out with like-minded people ...then there shouldn't be room for people to slag each other off in public.


Yes, it certainly is first and foremost a forum for helping people organise a great night out. I think we are getting to the bottom of the 'slagging issue' now and things have been a lot better of late since recruiting more moderators and enforcing forum rules.


If you want it to be a place where people can have rational, frank, adult discussions about safety issues in recreational drug use...then such forums need to be moderated carefully and responsibly.


Again, I think we are getting there and thank you very much for yours and Don's help on this !


If people want to chew the fat about their day / weekend / gripes / grievances / getting mashed etc...they should be able to do this in private (i.e. chat or pm - both available already!) or in forums that really are moderated.


This is a tough one as the only way would be to remove the random bollox forums - but these are in effect which cast members characters across to others and build the community & provide the majority of the communication flow.


You can take the site any way you want: it can be highly amusing, very irritating, dull or just plain weird.


Agreed, the site is what you make of it smile.gif


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