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Can you please enlighten me on this a little more? In what way am i difficult to talk to? If you mean on the phone you have my phone number, as for MSN i cant get on it in the day. I am open to anyones points of views & as for you doubting my ´giving a rats arse´ you couldnt be any further from the truth! Please explain?


Okay, we have discussed this now...I think we both understand each other. Obviously, you can only form opinions based on your experiences and if you don't understand that there are other issues dictating people's behaviour, it's easy to misconstrue the situation. I think it's great that you're sorting your stuff out and, like I said before, there will be many people who've met you since the whole GB thing who won't have understood what I was on about. This whole thread may have started unfortunately and for the wrong reasons, but a lot of good stuff has been said alongside the criticisms. Surely this is the stuff to build on for the future of the site. As figureheads, you, James Creamy etc. must expect some flak...it's what you do about it that will dictate the future success of the site.


I'd like to emphasise that what i said was a product of my experience. Having talked it through with Sarah, I'm happy to say that I currently no longer question her motives for being involved with the site. The genuinely hurt reaction and the calm rational manner she has dealt with this has restored my faith.



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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I can take comments like "CreamyC is a prick". Of course I can but I can tell you a few things whats the most important.


I can hold my head up high and say I dont bullshit and make myself out to be something / someone I am clearly not. Unlike some.


I do not come on here telling people how random and funny I am.


I do not make a complete cunt of myself when I'm on drugs (although I dont take them)


I do not claim to know everyone / everything when I dont.


I do not tell people I can do this and that when I cant.


I do not go and bullshit on MSN about people, I may talk about things but its nothing that particualr people dont already know.


If I am a cunt for NOT doing these things then so be it.


The main problems I have encountered with this site recently is the competition seekers, the ones that always claim to be the most random on here etc etc. Thats the problem, thats what causes some of this [censored] because everyone wants to be the best, everyone wants to be popular and sadly that causes liars. Now you can all tell me this doesn't happen blah blah blah but it does - clearly. As I've said on many occasions I have no time for these people and also the liars, I know who the liars are and I know who the two-faced people are and quite clearly you people are the cause of this. Now I could personally slate the anon for what things he / she has said to me and that posting as an anon is pointless - but I wont - because these comments are honest ones and ones that has pissed he / she off. Mr Happy a few weeks back PM'd me and said he didn't like what I said about something and that I can be a wanker sometimes, I could've PM'd him back and called him a loser or some [censored] like that but I didn't because its what he felt and I respected him for speaking out not slag him off. I dont think slagging off anon is the right way to go about it because it just proves you're ignorant to the points made. I disagree with alot of things but I make it known and certain people have accused me of lying and backstabbing people without finding the full facts first and I have lost alot of respect for those people, people that will no longer will recieve no more help from me. I cannot stand this stinking attitude "well if you dont like it piss off" because that stinks of arrogance, members have come and gone thats understandable but certain members have 'left' because they have felt unwelcome or that they no longer fit in. Now who would like to tell me thats the right attitude? Of course I'm lying aint I, I just make all this up. Course I do. The people thaty have posted honestly - comments whether they are liked or not - respect. The people that have continued to lie and bullshit, shame on you.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

The main problems I have encountered with this site recently is the competition seekers, the ones that always claim to be the most random on here etc etc.



My least favourite aspect of clubbing is the competition culture. In fact this is true of life in general.


"I have been clubbing for longer than you" (I was into acid house from "back in the day", and I'd like a medal for it please!)

"I stay up longer / go out more often / take more pills than you" (yeah, and this is my only conversation topic)

"I talk more nonsense than you when I am off my face" (oh wow you're so random!!)

"I am more in the in-crowd than you" (the origin of backstabbing, i.e. competition for greater social standing)

And on this board: "I post more than you." Sad!

And "I heard such-and-such before you did" (hence pointless comments like "heard it before" on the jokes forum, what a waste of bandwidth!)


Maybe it's an age thing. C'est la vie!

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I whole heartedly agree with what TomD said.


good on ya mate thumbs.gif


I want to help more as well. Wish I could promote Liverpool ( and myself ) more.



anyway, i'm off to scarper around Lancashire looking for a house to buy......... smash.gifwavey.gif

always there for the beer, but not wanting to pay!!

Mobile number: 07990 - 936181 (bannanas 'r' us)
e-mail: hunter@merseymail.com
or: Mulder_1971@hotmail.com

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To be fair i can understand why people say its hard to speak to sarah when shes out but in her defence communication is a two way thing, make the effort to chat with her and shel speak to you, surely she cant be expected to make all the effort meeting and chatting to people herself


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and if what people have been saying about James's comments towards Jus have been true, then James needs to realise this too. no offence to you james, but it just isn't possible to please everyone.

as stated several times i did not blatently slag Jus off. it angers me that there are people in this life who´s sole reason it is to turn friendly people against each other. i guess this just comes down to who do you want to believe and who do you really trust ?

but it's been small things up until now -- meet-ups, colourscheme, logos

I personally think meet-ups are THE most important and major thing going on this site - its precisely why I created the site in the first place and what its meant to be doing today.

clubtheworld is slipping away from being of benefit to its members first and foremost

if there are any members on here who feel they arent getting anything out of the site at all I would question why they are here at all. I personally think the site can be of great benefit to everyone - including clubbers & DJs - what we have here though is just an engine, its up to you how you use it. I used to contribute to a lot more of the random bollox banter posts but then I realised I didnt have that much disposable time on my hands, plus my main job was suffering, which at the end of the day paid for what we have here.

i for one feel more and more like i'm here merely to line the pockets of the increasing number of promoters who come on here

i´m sorry you feel like that, its most definitely not what was originally intended.

due to having the event forums we cant actually stop promoters posting about their nights at the moment. however, the events are all coming out of the forums at some point and the forums will be used purely for arranging meets and reviewing the nights. the events will then be listed in another - better organised section. the only place promoters will be able to post will be in the ´promote yourself´ section.

as for the ctw events it is our intention that the ctw members get proper discounts and guestlists. currently we are only hosting back rooms and the money, if there is any, gets split between the DJs playing. its going to be a good few years before we are in a position to host an entire venues out for proper members parties.

this site is a soft touch towards spam and self-promotion

it was after going on all the other clubbing message boards i realised that no one allowed this. i thought many boards were being narrow minded about this concept, i´m beginning to wonder if i am.

influencing the ctw members "clubbing schedule" (if you like) is clever marketing, but also sickeningly selfish.

the members can read through all the event threads and make up their own mind where they are going. i personally now choose to go to the places where i´m going to meet the new members. i agree we´ve made threads sticky for large meets like sunny d and perhaps we should only sticky our own ctw meets. the fact is though that right now our ctw meets cant compete with the big boys and unfortunately most members will choose to see the bigger name DJs rather than our own members. i for one am going to get back to concentrating on regional member meet-ups like we once did as people are going to go to the likes of sunny d anyway. there are a [censored] load of clubs, areas and members out there which we havent visited. we started off very well with liverpool, brighton and then leeds - we then all run out of money and started clubbing locally again. unless myself, kev or sarah do the travelling people wont feel like meeting as much, although Ed did a terific job setting up the Serious meets in London which happended with no intervention from any of us - we need more like him - proper representatives in every area - extremely difficult to find though, and even harder to find people who want to get involved at this stage for the right reasons.

its now myself and kev´s task to get back to getting to new areas and putting the fun back into the meets and making them different. this leaves sarah to concentrate on organising the ctw events and dj side.

to then combine what's a community of clubbers with a company that provides DJs is not moving the site further forward, but moving it away from its original aims entirely

we want to put on our own nights and we want to back member DJs. Ideally we would do all this ourselves but we realised we didnt have time to so we got Spinback involved who know what they are doing and have some excellent contacts. Had Sarah not joined there would have been no way that the first ctw event at The Edge would have gone off - which i´m sure all those who were there would agree it was a milestone for the site.

the reason we want to put on our own events is because its my vision that we can all club in a venue like NEC one day but with the amazing bonus that we all know each other - call me mad but i think its possible. i also think its possible that we could get a plane load of members over to Ibiza, Miami, Australia, Japan - and with us all getting big & real discounts due to bulk bookings.

having experienced one "official ctw night" in wakefield in april, i can honestly say that i probably won't be going to one again for a long time. the wakefield night was poorly organised, badly attended

i didnt think the event was any worse organised than all the other meets we do. we put a post up, asked if people wanted to come and then posted where the club was and what time we were meeting. sometimes it doesnt all go according to plan but i would urge you sample a few meets and then make a decision whether we are for you or not. we would hope to hear the very next day on the thread if people were unhappy or thought the night was badly organised.

we are very very new to this game and only have the members´ feedback to go on.

the cars drove off at 3am for the meet-up the next day that was sundissential north (which even though far bigger, and far more well-attended, was not an "official night"),

i´m sure we normally do call the big meets official meets so i´m surpised this one wasnt flagged up. the members dictate the meets, if they all want to go sunny d and blow out a smaller event somewhere else they will. me and kev however are going to get back to supporting the lesser known areas and events as its these which give us the biggest buzz now.

i ended up feeling slightly betrayed for the fact that essentially it was a mediocre night in wakefield that had abused the clubtheworld name to attract someone from 200 miles away just for the sake of that little bit of extra takings from the ticket kiosk.

i was under the impression you travelled not just for this club, if you had i would have probably warned you that there were only a handful of members who could make this event. for me though even meeting one new member a night is still worth it as it gives me the biggest buzz. its the people i go out to see now, not so much the big name DJs.

having said that, i had a good night while i was there, but it was the company that made it special, NOT the promotion.


the separate Spinback DJs-only board just reinforces this. i won't beat about the bush when i say i don't think this mergershould have never been allowed to happen. a site where the members have always come first comes to a point where there's now a special area they're not even allowed to contribute to -- where is the benefit to the members here?

agreed - we are looking into removing or merging this into a forum postable by all. this forum wasnt thought through properly.

some big news announcement created an atmosphere of excitement, only to find out that the news was really of interest only to a select minority of members who would stand to gain personally from it.

agreed, hopefully this wont happen again.

so as the site becomes focused on running its own nights and promotions, the original aim slips into second or third priority.

no, myself and Kev are going to re-focus back on the original intentions and the members and Sarah is going to focus on the ctw events and backing our own member DJs - which is what we all want according to many older posts and the original members. I have realised that myself Kev and Sarah definitely need to communicate far more than we have been doing. We also all need someone to loan us a few grand to get to these new areas, events and members. Sadly only a handful of members will travel, in fact I think we´ve only had ONE from the original member group in Liverpool - BeckyLaLa - make the effort to travel many times and be a real part of the community. As we know first hand though its very expensive to do so and many of our members are students therefore we need to travel to them.

where has the passion gone for clubbing across the country and where's the variety of meet-ups across different genres?

the money has gone and sadly money runs this world. if i had my way everyone would help everyone out and we wouldnt even need money. i am currently seeking a new job soley for the reason of earning more so i can travel more. kev and sarah have had issues too. i also put my hands up and say ive personally lost my steam and drive to go clubbing as much - most definitely too much of a good thing. the answer to both this and the money situation is for me to moderate it - something i´ve found hard to do but now just have to accept and actually do.

i did have a passion for travelling and seeing new places -- where is this now?

agreed - me and kev need to get back to doing this again and not just going to the larger already known events.

we have a core group of members who will travel for their favourite clubs but it's the same names who crop up time and time again.

agreed. kev and i need to better plan meets and have less of them. organising dates which fit everyone is near impossible and we have already had lots of example of people dropping out at the last minute anyway. if we make them once a month perhaps people will make more of an effort to get to them. weekly drinks meets are also a bad idea and need to be less frequent in my mind - people need to know that if they miss this one there wont be another one for a month or so - i bet you they then book that date out as a priority and also dont cancel their attendance at the last minute.

new members join in local areas who aren't really committed to travelling at all, or going to clubs

agreed - we´re really after people who will travel and will go to lesser known events. the site is useful though for people to use soley to organise local meets and i dont see anything wrong with this as they are recruiting more members who we will all eventually meet. we also have the members overseas who we cant get to just yet but dream of getting to.

you can't *force* anyone to go to a club they don't want to, BUT does the lack of interest mean then that an increasing majority of members aren't really here for what the site was intended for?

agreed. yes - i would rather only have members here who are actually into clubbing and sharing their experiences than those who just want to post banter and nothing but banter.

the heavily hard/trance-biased content on the main site probably proves this, in the reviews and interviews on offer.

we actually started off visiting mainly funky clubs and i actually miss these but i switched to hardhouse when i realised i loved this more and by going to more hardhouse clubs we have obviously recruited more hardhouse members. Myself and Kev need to get back to doing what we did at the start of this and concentrate on new clubs and other genres.

i agree with what's been said about sarah, my first meet-up last november worried me greatly at the time with what was happening. i thought i was the only one who was worried as to what was going on, but i was reassured by someone else that this happened "all the time". when you are meant to be in charge of running a sizeable community and you could be the first face that people recognise in real life, i think how you carry yourself is incredibly important. first impressions last.

The first 3 times I met Sarah she was a little quiet and didnt say much to me, even though we had spoke for hours on MSN beforehand. But the fact was I was the same and I know I get stuck for words all the time with new people, some people you gell with immediately others take time to get to know face to face properly. I know Sarah properly and she is nothing like the person you think you have met. After meeting several other members like Sarah I now realise its very dangerous to base your impression of someone on a first impression - give people a chance. I´ve known members to meet Sarah and immediately slag her off on a PM to other members which is blatently unfair. She is actually very upset today about some of the personal attacks she´s had as i´m sure anyone would be - taking these things on board is very difficult.

i would hope that James and Sarah don't take this dig personally AT ALL

for me the site is meant to reflect who i am and what i what out of life - a chance to do something a bit different and right for once. of course i take this personally, but why should this be a bad thing ? I want to grow and learn and find out about people. Obviously people dont get all the facts to base their judements on and sometimes people dont know what they are talking about. In your case however Tom you happen to be a very intelligent guy and seem to know whats really going on and how things are actualling coming across to the members. People like you, Alasdair, Fin, Colin66, Blink, Nick G and many others are extremely valuable to this site and its growth we urge you to continue posting your thoughts.

Sarah and Kev also take the comments said on these posts personally and seriously.

I´m afraid I have rushed through most of my replies as i didnt want to wait until later in the week.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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James said:

and if what people have been saying about James's comments towards Jus have been true, then James needs to realise this too. no offence to you james, but it just isn't possible to please everyone.


as stated several times i did not blatently slag Jus off. it angers me that there are people in this life who´s sole reason it is to turn friendly people against each other. i guess this just comes down to who do you want to believe and who do you really trust ?

How many times have we been through this? You obviously didn't want to sort this, else you would have got in touch with me like I asked you to...


Fair point on most of the other stuff and I hope you do stick to it as this site needs it... Sarah may get angry about what was said, but hopefully she will look at herself and change that aspect of herself (it seems she already is from her earlier post, which can only be a good thing)...


As for the two Anons... What I meant was what has two different IP addy's from two Anon posters get to do with me? I do not post anon and you have my IP addy... Take one look at the two you posted and it's easy to see the differences...



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A big [censored] hand to James for taking the time to think about this, without keeping us waiting too long, and giving us some very straight responses.


The thread in Comments and suggestions and this one are surely the start of something better for ctw. Yes the criticism may have stung, yes it would be nice to get more praise, but look at all the good that's coming out of the situation now.


Hat off to James and Sarah and Kev for keeping your cool and dealing with it. thumbs.gif

  • Thanks 1



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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fintbeast said:

Hat off to James and Sarah and Kev for keeping your cool and dealing with it. thumbs.gif



Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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All I'm gonna say is...

This site IMO is fookin good...no-one slagging each other off like on GURN. I didnt come on here much when I registered coz I didnt know any of you (still dont but the other sites I was using are getting shite)





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a lot of good comments in this thread.


i think the discussion also takes on an interesting slant when you consider that the people who run CTW do it for love not money. we don't have to pay a penny/cent for the facilities.


mathematically speaking, the value of CTW is literally impossible to calculate!



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"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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I concur.

Hats off to James for posting that - a coherent and logical answer to everything.

It is very easy to sit back and critisise, but when you are actually in the thick of it, then the lines get slightly more blurred. I like that way that the CTW organisers have split themselves up to concentrate on their respective areas, rather than spread themselves too thin.

Hopefully the [censored] that has been going on for the last week or so can be forgotten about, and CTW can concentrate on making themselves even better.

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Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.



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the fact that this discussion does NOT get deleted or curbed is a credit to this site, had it happened I would already fear the worst.

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