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  • CTW Admin
neet said:

Unfortunately I never got round to meeting any of you, and last year this was one of my main priorities. Now, it is the last thing on my mind. Maybe I get ignored because I haven't met any of you, or because I'm not on here every night, or don't really do the msn thing.

Well, I do have a very busy life, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to do a few good nights out. Unfortunately, looks like I'll be doing these by myself in future frown.gif


Think I'm gonna give up on the message board thing, they often seem to go tits up as far as I can see, even if the owners intentions are great.




I can fully understand why you would base our personalities on our posts and how this could put you off from meeting some of the members as the message board really is the only thing you have to go on. I would urge that you still try and come to at least one meet-up in future however as it doesnt make sense to miss out on meeting some really nice people. I can honestly only think of about 3 people who the general community havent got on with very well but then we cant all expect to get on with everyone anyway as personalities clash.


Its people like you 'leaving' I worry most about as very few actually care to comment about their issues - they just dont post again, and calculating the real numbers of 'leavers' is impossible. Retaining those who registered for the right reasons is of upmost importance. Whilst we have members out there 'recuiting' clubbers on our behalf we have to bear in mind that we also have old members saying negative things about us, although hopefully people will make their own minds up.

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I think you have made some fair comments. I havnt been on as much as i used to, but i logged on the other day and there was one post in particular that really annoyed me.


There was a competition in which you offerd free lyear vip passes to the person to come up with the best name for the new ctw night. after about 10-12 posts, there was a notice saying it had already been decided!!! Why bother asking?! This is exactly the sort of thing which annoys people.


As you know, a similar thing happend with ibiza (i dont want to go over old ground here) and yes i understand all the reasons why, but it was somthing i didnt agree with.


I think what im trying to say is that the site needs to be carful how they word things like this in future.


just felt like i had to mention it thats all x heartbeat.gif

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  • CTW Members

theres quite a few good points in this topic smile.gif




I've been on this site for 6 months now and i think it's a wicked site...theres no such thing as a perfect forum u will always come across boring threads and days when the forum is slow that's just the way it goes shrug.gif


i've not met any of u but theres quite alot of friendly people on this board thumbs.gif and i'm hoping 2 meet up with most of u next month smile.gif


as for the anon post..... u should use this feature 2 slag people off if u cant with your username then don't post at all


i think james and sarah have done a fantastic job with the site smile.gif keep up the good work wink.gif


hope 2 c u all soon xxxxxxxxxx


TIna_g nod.gif





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When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
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  • CTW Admin
beckie in la la land said:

There was a competition in which you offerd free lyear vip passes to the person to come up with the best name for the new ctw night. after about 10-12 posts, there was a notice saying it had already been decided!!! Why bother asking?!


As you know, a similar thing happend with ibiza (i dont want to go over old ground here) and yes i understand all the reasons why, but it was somthing i didnt agree with.


agreed, we will try and ensure that none of these situations arise again beckie.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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James - excellent constructive response to the points/issues raised..good stuff..


Ive been a member now for nearly 12 months - I think everyone involved with the site does a top top job..

You guys are 100% dedicated to wanting to make this work and should be applauded for your efforts and not lambasted for them. There is something for everyone - it is and always will be a case of take it or leave it..


Its healthy that many of the posts show a lot of passion for the site.. a very positive sign that the site will continue to move forward in the right direction..


One suggestion though..


Im not suggesting another forum but i would suggest that if there is a grievance/issue, it is posted (with name or anon) and that some sort of restriction is applied to that post to await for an "official" reply to be given (ie the respondents being James/Sarah/Kev et al)..

If any aspect of the reply can not be responded to (with an acceptance/solution etc) then a separate post be generated to canvass specific feedback on specific issues that are left unaddressed...


My point to this, is following James last (and honest/constructive) reply im sure the length and some of the comments within this post would not have been necessary...


Just my opinion..





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Dance hard, work less, play tomorrow and sleep the next day

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  • CTW Promotors
rickd said:




Sarah - Maybe if you had a problem, you shouldn't have been the main point of contact for new members at meet-ups... shrug.gif


I never was the point of contact for new members - that i believe is CreamyC's job & possibly James to a certain extent. My job was to look after our djs & to speak to promoters. This i believe i did in a professional manner with maybe 1 at the most exception.

Ok so i was in a few states at the end of the night (which im not proud of and would be going over old ground to repeat it all again) but who isnt allowed to enjoy themselves now & again when the work bit is over.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors
jon_m said:

To be fair i can understand why people say its hard to speak to sarah when shes out but in her defence communication is a two way thing, make the effort to chat with her and shel speak to you, surely she cant be expected to make all the effort meeting and chatting to people herself



What people dont seem to realise that i would love to stand and chat at meetups - but the majority of the time i am running round seeing our djs are ok & require drinks etc, if i am having to sell tickets for the event i also have that pressure to deal with as am dealing with a lot of money sometime so need my head about me. I cant afford to add it up wrong or lose the money. As well as that i am having to liase with promoters such as at Wildchild where i spent 1/2 the evening trying to get the backstage passes we were promised so that James could get some decent pics.

Sometimes its hard to deal with all that plus have to be sociable. I have never regarded myself as un-approachable & would love for members to come up to me & chat to me instead off all the added pressure on me.

Its like the typical senario where so & so complains that i havent called them for ages - when whats wrong with picking up the phone & calling me? Does it always have to be a 1 way thing?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors

Are you not wonderwoman then sarah??????????? confused.gif


Im sure thats wat peeps are expecting!! spliff.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors
beckie in la la land said:


I think you have made some fair comments. I havnt been on as much as i used to, but i logged on the other day and there was one post in particular that really annoyed me.


There was a competition in which you offerd free lyear vip passes to the person to come up with the best name for the new ctw night. after about 10-12 posts, there was a notice saying it had already been decided!!! Why bother asking?! This is exactly the sort of thing which annoys people.


As you know, a similar thing happend with ibiza (i dont want to go over old ground here) and yes i understand all the reasons why, but it was somthing i didnt agree with.


I think what im trying to say is that the site needs to be carful how they word things like this in future.


just felt like i had to mention it thats all x heartbeat.gif


Beckie - that post you mention was really a lack of communication on my behalf - i had phoned james to ask him to put a post up as we needed a name very quickly but unbeknown to me the others had already decided on a name & the flyers had gone to press.

We will be running a competition in the comps section instead tho to give away guestlist places to each one to try & make up for this.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Admin
SarahPvc said:

Its like the typical senario where so & so complains that i havent called them for ages - when whats wrong with picking up the phone & calling me? Does it always have to be a 1 way thing?


I get this all this the time and have now learnt to ignore these attacks as they are the same people who dont ever call me.


I'm normally always on MSN at night and I always reply to my Private Messages. I usually check my hotmail email once or twice a week but this is starting to fill up with spam like my ctw email is - I had over 800 emails waiting for me on my ctw email after the weekend and 99% are spam so its very time consuming going through them all - ive probably still got emails in there over 2 weeks ago I havent replied to yet but i'm doing my best. PMs are best for me as there is no spam grin.gif


Whilst away I did have a big think and its clear the communication between myself, Kev, Sarah and others is not up to scratch and this is mostly my fault. We have all agreed to phone each other far more and keep each other up-to-date so the wrong information/gossip doesnt get spread about.


I'm really looking forward to this summer now because the warmer weather means myself and Kev are going to be visiting new areas again - such as the seaside resorts, and also others feel like travelling more and doing more. grin.gif Expect things to pick up nicely and new towns/clubs to be infiltrated soon ! grin.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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SarahPvc said:

rickd said:




Sarah - Maybe if you had a problem, you shouldn't have been the main point of contact for new members at meet-ups... shrug.gif


I never was the point of contact for new members - that i believe is CreamyC's job & possibly James to a certain extent. My job was to look after our djs & to speak to promoters. This i believe i did in a professional manner with maybe 1 at the most exception.

Ok so i was in a few states at the end of the night (which im not proud of and would be going over old ground to repeat it all again) but who isnt allowed to enjoy themselves now & again when the work bit is over.

Thanks for the reply Sarah and I hope what I have said hasn't been taken the wrong way... At the end of the day, I was just voicing my concern as a member of this site and also going on what others have said to me while I have been out... If this affects the way you are towards me in future then shrug.gif but hopefully it won't... thumbs.gif


I understand it is hard when you have to organise things for a night, but there are others who are more than willing to help out with things, such as getting James backstage @ Wildchild... I would have been more than happy to help if I had know about it... All I guess i'm saying is that there are plenty of people willing to help if you need it... thumbs.gif

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Course i need the help sometimes - what people also dont realise that we are still pretty much newcomers to the game & still learning a lot about what to do / not to do. We dont always get it right.


Any help anyone can give me, james or creamy is greatly appreciated. And as far as this post is concerned just try & be aware of the amount of work & pressure we are under before you all go & slate us?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW DJs

Right, I've come to this late, but I've say and read all the replies for the last 40 minutes, so I'll say my 10p worth.



Running this site is very very hard work. I post on about 5 or 6 message boards and I work for 4clubbers.net (which has come in for stick on this and other boards) and so know the amount of grind that goes into making a place like this run, and I also know how bad it is hearing your work being slagged. At the end of the day all James, Kev and Sarah (and anyone else who starts a board) are trying to do is make somewhere where like-minded people can chat, meet and get to know each other.


I've been on the board for about 7 months now, not long, but long enough to see how it works, and it's a very friendly board. It's welcoming, and it's free of much of the harshness and cliqueyness that affects others. Even if there's been a bit of bitching lately, it's not bad. I know its way worse on others, and it happens. People can't be lovey all the time, remember its only a board, it's not real life, and at the end of the day we should all know the difference. I'm not saying we should lay into people or do what the f*ck we like, but sometimes people can take things the wrong way, I've seen it happen before, and then people meet off boards and realise it was all a laugh. I didn't know what to make of Kev before I met him, but he's a gent now I have. smile.gif


I guess everyone's got a right to say what they want, and, though I don't agree with everything that the brave "anon" says, I guess at the end of the day it's made everyone see just how committed James, Kev and Sarah are to improving the site and moving it forward. Of course it's not going to be like it used to be forever, but I think it's going in the rigth direction. As soon as it moves from a small community to one where new people regularly join, you do lose a bit of the 'old' feeling of a group of mates, but we're still mates, the group's just getitng bigger.


With refernce to the DJing side of things, it's a tough one. It's all new to CTW really, and, though things like the seperate forum could have been done better, James was first to admit this, and remember this was all done for the 'first' time, that whole side of it has come on leaps and bounds recently, and that can surely only be a good thing? As for meet ups and CTW nights, I don't think it was fair to say that they're all self-promotion.


For me, I'm lucky enough to have DJed for CTW alredy, and I'm going to again this summer, both here and in Ibiza. It's hard for me to get all over the country that easily, esp as I'm supporting not just CTW, but 4clubbers, and people off Gifted and Bedrock as well, but I try my best. I've made it up north quite a bit, and as I DJ every couple of weeks at least, (getting more now) it's not easy as it used to be to go round the country. But whenver I'm playing for CTW, or anywhere else for that matter, I try and spread the word, for everyone I can get down to the night I can, becuase I enjoy them being there. Anyone who'd been to Liquid will know that! I don't make any money from playing (at the mo) for me getting mates down to give THEM a good night is what it's all about, and that's what's surely behind CTW's DJing side too. I know Gilly and Butch and there's no way they're going to get in it for a fast buck, it's not thier game. Look at the fact that we're doing stuff in Ibiza, and that can only be good for the site. smile.gif


Al I can hope is that out of this, everyone realises what a load of hard work the guys put in (esp holding down other jobs as they do) and what goes into making this site what it is. Everything I do, be it for 4c or CTW I do as well as I can, and it's no exception for this lot either.... they put way more into it than I can.


I think it was a bit spineless for "anon" to make personal attacks on people. I'm not sure what it serves, if they had a beef then a PM to the individual would have been better than to bring all that sh1te into the open. I dont' see what it achieves. I'm not saying people shouldn't say what they mean to others, but if it's a peronsal thing, then why do it in front of everyone else in the name of general criticism?


Anyway, I've said my piece - let's hope this is all put behind us soon, I think enough people have been pissed off this week smile.gif

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WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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