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FAO Mr Ginge


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Awww!!! Thank you...I was a bit pissed this morning. My local club has a "£10 entry...free drinks" night on a wednesday.


My first FAO....and from a very nice girly too.


I feel honoured. thumbs.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gif

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lol laugh.gif thats ok.


My local club does that on a Monday. Its very dangerous especially wen u know the bar staff and get served straight away. We were having torpedo drinks competitions to see who could down a bottle of VK the quickest disappointed.gif. I felt so ill Tuesday.


How u feeling today. Not too hungover I hope.


Wat u up too this weekend?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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Pepsi said:

lol laugh.gif thats ok.

My local club does that on a Monday. Its very dangerous especially wen u know the bar staff and get served straight away. We were having torpedo drinks competitions to see who could down a bottle of VK the quickest disappointed.gif. I felt so ill Tuesday.

How u feeling today. Not too hungover I hope.

Wat u up too this weekend?


I do know some of the bar staff, thats why I spent all night in the VIP area. Only had about 6-8 bottles of Budd but I know my limits and switched to water after that.


Luckily I have NEVER suffered from hangovers so I woke up today as fresh as a fresh thing thats incredibly fresh confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif..Admitedly I woke up an hour late and was nearly late for work but got there just in time.


This weekend I'm working on friday til 11 and on saturday aswell but I might be popping to Legends for their DJ competition to see 2 of the DJ's from here.


What you up to?

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Going back to my uni house in Leicester 2mo to pack up all my things and say goodbye to all my friends cry.gif


But then on Saturday nite I am going to Vibealite which should be good.


Sunday I will be recovering and will probably go to Muse bar for some funky music and see my mate dj.


The monday afternoon my Dad is coming up and moving all my stuff home and I will have offically moved back home.



Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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If I could get to vibealite I would go but finishing work @ 11pm is a bit of a bastard.


Are you going global?

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Well I hope to meet you there. I've arranged to meet a few peeps from here but I presume there will be an official meet up spot arranged later.


If I dont see you, have a blinding birthday.

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