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im pinching your post!!!!


cheers for the directions hun, ill try n make it there before tomorra laugh.gif no doublt ull get a call off me in london or sumthin!!!!!


Atleast ive got no one in the car for me to shout at, poor chrissy!!!!! laugh.gif


see u both soon icon_yippee.gif

Just have it like you know i would! :bigwink:
MSN- Geordie_becky@hotmail.com

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Geordie_becky said:

FINE im not cumming


More information than was required, I suggest you take that up with your boyfriend IN PRIVATE

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Geordie_becky said:



nah ill take it up with my boyfriend THEN ill be cumming


Right, as you've proved how vulgar you are I think I'll talk to you agian. My kind of girl thumbs.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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scratchchin.gif whoops, was probably meant to read this yesterday.


Hope u both had a good nite and Bungle I hope your brain isn't to fried from Occasional Charlie and mines constant ramblings. Really we were sending u subliminal messages in your sleep evil_laugh.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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Oh my god, my brain hurt last night! I've never heard so much bollox talked ever! He was going constantly for about 12 hours and I cant remeber any of it. lol.gif


Were you really sending me subliminal messages while I was asleep? What did they say?


Did you manage to get anything packed? Or did you just discus whether the concept of packing actually exists in a physical form, or whether simply visualising it is enough? paranoid.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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bungle said:

Oh my god, my brain hurt last night! I've never heard so much bollox talked ever! He was going constantly for about 12 hours and I cant remeber any of it. lol.gif


Were you really sending me subliminal messages while I was asleep? What did they say?


Did you manage to get anything packed? Or did you just discus whether the concept of packing actually exists in a physical form, or whether simply visualising it is enough? paranoid.gif




We did think that simply visualising the process would be enough until 7am this morning wen we decided that perhaps we needed to actually do stuff but was until 9am that I actually started to pack. My Dad wasn't too impressed wen he arrived and I'd managed to pack one box. shrug.gif


cry.gif I'm homeless cry.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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bungle said:

Oh my god, my brain hurt last night! I've never heard so much bollox talked ever! He was going constantly for about 12 hours and I cant remeber any of it. lol.gif


hehe - i did warn ya, i had to go for a walk - a sleep would have much better sleepy.gif


top tip - don't go for very long walks on your own in strange cities whilst paying no attention to your erratic route when u have no phone, no numbers, no addresses or names of roads/areas, generally no idea, and too paranoid to try and explain your circumstances to stangers / the police cos you've been at it for 3 days and probably look it too.


even then, i only made one wrong-turning ;-) hehe

cyber on the inside

desperately trying to fit in on the outside

hair by tony and guy

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Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen shame.gif


How did I guess that you'd have some issues getting your stuff packed? Never mind, I presume you got there in the end, did you have fun chatting to your dad and explaining why it took three days to pack one box?


I don't suppose you came acroos my SS membership card did you? I think I possibly left it on that tray I ws skinning up on? disappointed.gif


And Paul, yes I know you warned me, but you didn't prepare me enough. I was prepared for alot of talking bollox, but that was something a bit special. Next time I'm going for a walk with you.

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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