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I need a cheap flight

Ian Cashman

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I'm flying out of Stanstead on Thursday for a long weekend. used Easyjet - that was £150. Great times - fly out at 6:30am, come back 10:30pm - so I get 5 full days thumbs.gif


I looked on BMI, but the prices were similar, and the times were not as good for me.


The Ibiza Travel Shop in San An is excellent - they know all the flights that are coming into the island and can usually come up with some excellent deals. Maybe give them a call? http://www.ibizatravel.com/

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Mine, James & Andys flight from Stanstead to Ibiza for 5 days was £135 - thought that was pretty cheap!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
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