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FAO Girlies that go to Serious!

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miss_diddy said:

not a fookin fashion parade..


It doesn't have to be a fashion parade. Look at some of FTB's clothes, nice and smart.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Mrs_Baddie said:

I've never been before and I'm going this Saturday...


I hear that it's not the sort of place you can wear cyber gear to. eviltongue.gif So what kind of things can you get away with wearing?


Don't really want to wear heels as i cant dance in them. shrug.gif


And if i can't dance properly then i won't enjoy myself really...


Can you wear white trainers? confused.gif


Help! laugh.gif


Steph trainers are fine, i'm a regular at the Cross and often wear trainers, you'll be fine it white trainers.


It's definitely not a club to wear cyber, its quite a smart club compared to places like camden palace ( although most places are) with try hards a plenty.


Send me a pm if there's anything else you want to know. smile.gif

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CreamyC said:

*relights fire*


What about your plimsoles you wear for PE ??


fooking plimsoles!! lol.giflol.giflol.giflol.giflol.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Yes in the funky room, there are definitely of tryhards.


But i'd rather go to a place with people dressing smartly than a place full of people trying to out do each other with the most outragous outfit.


"look at me i'm wearing more clothes pegs than anyone else"


"look how many colours i'm wearing at once"

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rachel said:



But i'd rather go to a place with people dressing smartly than a place full of people trying to out do each other with the most outragous outfit.


"look at me i'm wearing more clothes pegs than anyone else"


"look how many colours i'm wearing at once"




Quote of the year.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Last time I went I heard that non-members / non guest-lists, ie ticket holders and on the dayers were getting a much harder time if they wern't dressed up. So i guess if you are on ed's concession list or with a memeber u will be ok in trainers ect. ..but def not cyber!!

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Big_ee69 said:

Last time I went I heard that non-members / non guest-lists, ie ticket holders and on the dayers were getting a much harder time if they wern't dressed up. So i guess if you are on ed's concession list or with a memeber u will be ok in trainers ect. ..but def not cyber!!


I think they do this in an attempt to keep out beer boys & large groups of lads. They use it as an excuse to keep out people they don't want in there. I'm sure they would dispute this, but i rather like them doing it.


I don't think they'd turn you away for wearing cyber ....you'd just be the only one & stick out alot!

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Sophie said:

i wear my fury boots every time i go and no one says anything! confused.gif but i dont wear cyber! idea.gif


Fluffy Boots are lame as well.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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