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That Andy Farley choon that goes up to 1000bpm @ one point, then just stops, and carries on normally?

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liquideyes said:

Nothing wrong with gradually building up. I still love loads of progressive stuff. What is annoying is when every single tune builds up in exactly the same way. (Here's a theme, in come the hi-hats, in comes the clap, etc ... talk about signposted music!)



this is 1 reason i've gone off tidy recently. i can tell 'hangs' to the second.


never listened to accelerate on it;s own. in a set though i like it, a lot. it's something different and fun

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so ure another 1 of these people that WONT listen to good tunes, just cos they r from tidy...... or nukleuz or which ever one gives u the hump. a) ure missing out on good tunes B) tidy really wont know or care c) r u just sayin that cos mr happy doesnt like nukleuz etc....


no offence m8, but y?

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tidy stuff lately has been fuckin pants, i've heard some of their new promo stuff and it's pants.


my dick slappin against a keyboard could make a better track than that. LMFAO (also added with extra ouch sounds as the pain gets harder)

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Clubbing_Si said:

so ure another 1 of these people that WONT listen to good tunes, just cos they r from tidy...... or nukleuz or which


no I'm not saying that am I :P


I'm saying one reason i've gone to tidy events less recently is because i generally knew exactly what their tunes were gonna do.


i found myself standing the dancefloor off my face or on it, and the way the tunes were flowing was actually bringing me down because to me they kept starting/stopping and didnt flow for me. there are some fookin blinding tunes which i love -- and biomehanika is 'tidy' but he plays a diff style and he's 1 of my favourite dj's.


so I'm just saying that recently tidy sets haven't been doing "it" for me so i've been going less. in two months time they might have changed style and i might luvvem again

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Scream said:


my dick slappin against a keyboard could make a better track than that. LMFAO (also added with extra ouch sounds as the pain gets harder)




nice 1 notworthy.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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rickd said:

Mr_Happy said:

Scream said:


my dick slappin against a keyboard could make a better track than that. LMFAO (also added with extra ouch sounds as the pain gets harder)




nice 1 notworthy.gif

Are you praising him because he can slap his dick against a keyboard??


haha nice one!!

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  • CTW DJs

in a club it sounds dire imo


heard it at home last night (on phil b's cd) for the 1st time, and it was actually more enjoyable.


home tunage i reccon thumbs.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
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  • CTW Promotors
Mr_Happy said:

in a club it sounds dire imo


heard it at home last night (on phil b's cd) for the 1st time, and it was actually more enjoyable.


home tunage i reccon thumbs.gif


shuddup you no nothing *FOOL*!!! flipa.gifwink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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One of my favourites smile.gif

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  • James changed the title to That Andy Farley choon that goes up to 1000bpm @ one point, then just stops, and carries on normally?

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