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make a poem up about a board member :)


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PANTS, but better than anything so far.

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A sexy young fellow called Mr_Moo

got dirty with one of creamys poo


he ran thru the hay

to get out the way,


But fell in a great big loo. shrug.gif


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oooh ill box ur brains out mister!


there was a knob head called moo

he thought himself good in his wit,

it wasnt until his first interview

that he realised he was a dick


recalling that fateful day

his mother told him wot went wrong

"it may have bin cos ur was gay

and sucking ur dick for too long"


poor moo learnt his lesson real quick

and soon he had a good paying job

now he only sucks buisnessmen dick

and gets free booze at the gay bar, the sod!

why does your mum always buy crap pop?!

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ChewMyMoo said:

yeh it did u frikking dislexic pikey...read it

it goes 1-3, 2-4...

please..ive got an english lit exam on tuesday.. disappointed.gif


sorry but im not a dislexic pikey flipa.gif I hope u fail wink.gif

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ahhh Jimmy - you know I'm gonna get a straight A for this, lol...


I am going to introduce myself,

My name is Scary Claire.

I run around like a Ketamized elf,

And I fall down slides and stairs.


But I'm not here to bore you,

Or to tell you where I'm from.

So I'll tell you about a site I've just joined,

It's called Club the world dot com.


The first thread I posted,

Was to say hi to everyone.

They all seemed nice and welcomed me,

And voila the task was done. thumbs.gif


It was then in my head I realised,

That I am now well hunted.

And that I know some gals and guys,

Especially the Scottish Monsieur Cunted. spliff.gif


I got talking to him last year,

He's as messy a Kethead as I. eek.gif

But 'cos he's Scottish his head's not in gear,

He just constantly flies 'high' thefinger.gif


And there's a girl who seems so angelic, angel.gif

Like a perfect, everlasting dream. sleepy.gif

But pure she's not - it's just a trick,

She likes double fisting and cream. icon_yippee.gif


She's so funny and sweet in everyway, bigsmile.gif

A devil she is not.

She goes along smiling everyday,

And sits at Fraggle Rock wink.gifstar.gif


That's enough of squallid turds pineapple.gif

And sprookling along the way.

But here's to all at Club the World

And to a hefty [censored] up stay



Scary Claire - Copyrite all rights reserved teehee laugh.gif

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