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At Damnation last night....

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Is it any wonder that I am paranoid about talking to women, apparently you can't even ask them out for dinner any more.


Yes, I agree he was a jerk for then asking "why not", and as for just trying to snog someone.... shame.gif


Take it as a compliment and go round with a nice healthy glow all day.

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Diablo said:



(Not meaning to offend anyone by this)


You're not, you are making a valid point. Anyone that takes offence can go play with themselves.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Diablo said:

Do you know what really pisses me off about this post.....


Birds like confident men, right? so this bloke was showing his confidence and appreciation by offering to take you out, he didn't mean to offend anyone, he was just being kind. After all 90% of the clubbing generation go out to meet new people and have a laugh, not to offend or piss people off. - Just something to think about here people!

Yeah - but he didn't even go to Damnation! He was pissed out of his face and I don't really take to randoms asking me out sometime when they have barely spoken to me for 5 minutes!


If he had, however, been in the club, or we had spoken and got to know a bit about each other - then yes, maybe I would!


I mean, for [censored] sake fella's - what you gonna do next? Propose to a girl that you have only just seen and haven't yet spoken to (apart from the 'will you marry me') and expect to waltz down the aisle with her the next day?! confused.giflaugh.gif


Captain_Cunted said:

so really wat u mean is he was mingin


He was about 25 years older than me! I do normally go for guys who are older thanme, but not that old! Sorry!

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Ya didn't mention he was drunk tho!!


Imagine if he had been cute, and he had just walked off after five minutes and you thought "[censored] I didn't ask for his number". Carpe Diem and all that [censored]. I don't think there was anything wrong with him doing it, as long as he was polite about.

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Scary_Claire said:


I mean, for [censored] sake fella's - what you gonna do next? Propose to a girl that you have only just seen and haven't yet spoken to (apart from the 'will you marry me') and expect to waltz down the aisle with her the next day?!


Pathetic comment. He only asked for dinner. You'd soon be moaning if NO ONE approached you. Girl Power my arse.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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