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Smart trousers and shoes


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CreamyC said:



keep your shermans and rockports, scumfuck.


i have a rule that i don't go in places which have dress codes and it seems to work pretty well. every time i go back to wakefield or leeds, and i remember about the dress codes, i just think "sod this, there are no places here actually worth wearing shoes for". whatisthepoint

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TomD said:

CreamyC said:



keep your shermans and rockports, scumfuck.


i have a rule that i don't go in places which have dress codes and it seems to work pretty well. every time i go back to wakefield or leeds, and i remember about the dress codes, i just think "sod this, there are no places here actually worth wearing shoes for". whatisthepoint


You're living proof of what looking like a tramp looks like. Keep it up, you may even pull it off.


Jesus, do you own an iron ?

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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TomD said:

CreamyC said:

You're living proof of what looking like a tramp looks like.


mwa biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


but a tramp in edinburgh would look positively majestic in the backdrop of london. kiss my feet.


Its your scum that litters London. Take note - we dont want you.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Fair enough if I'm going to bars I'll make an effort but there is nothing worse than clubs that have a strict dress code when all your doing is bouncing round all night. I don't want to be in shoes and trousers I want to be in trainers and jeans.

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CreamyC said:

Jesus, do you own an iron ?

Yes. And please just call me Liquideyes, do you think I'm some kind of hippy tramp?

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liquideyes said:

Can someone explain the term "try-hard" please? (In the context of dress codes.)


Does it mean


1. Make a bit of an effort (smart but "normal" clothes), or

2. Outrageous fancy dress (e.g. cyber)?


Or something else?


It's the sort of person you'll see at Sundissential. The clothes are similar, but fashions change from month to month. Often decked out in desinger labels that they spent a month's shelf stacking at Tesco's pay on which will be considered socail suicide if wearing it next week. Nearly always have stupid haircuts/style.


Last summer/winter:


Identical shirts and tie combos. With jeans. lol.gif



This year:


Ripped jeans, cammo cut-off shirts, golf visors



Still going strong:


RIdiculous tramline/designs in hair. Often a number of different colours.




Those stupid chain things that go from your belt to your wallet.


Addidas shelltoe





and grils:


Sodding string vests.... wtf!!??! (unless on someone v v v v fit!)


Bless 'em. They're trying (just too hard...)


*Just cos I wear them on occasions doesn't mean I'm a try hard....

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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I'm with Tom D on this one.


There are far too many tacky bars/clubs out there which have the cheek to adopt a dress code.


People should wear what they want.


Last thing I wanna wear at a 9 hour dancing stint is a pair of black shoes and a colar.


You will notice that the REAL classy bars/clubs dont have a dress code.

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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James said:

I'm with Tom D on this one.


There are far too many tacky bars/clubs out there which have the cheek to adopt a dress code.


People should wear what they want.


Last thing I wanna wear at a 9 hour dancing stint is a pair of black shoes and a colar.


You will notice that the REAL classy bars/clubs dont have a dress code.


James = Polo Pete.



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC = Typical Ben Sherman Beer Monster



CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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