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Has the community spirit gone on CTW?

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shaunstopbeingsomint said:



As I see it, most of this board are southerners and a rather different if somewhat disappointing clientee at times and it shows, you only have to do the basic math to know a night up in Leeds isnt going to be half as successful. If people dont feel they have been involved in the nights process, just like Gurn then people wont have the enthuasism to turn up on the night. If you go on about community spirit, where's the community spirit in organising these nights instead of a 1 man show whi's doing it for everyone.


Making people think it's some sort of CTW night too is only going to put other people off who arent connected with CTW, 1. they dont know what it is, why would people want to take such a chance to come to the night they knowing nothing about or what it stands for, people are picky 2. they wouldnt fit in. You dont see Gurn plaguing other messageboards about their Gurn Gatherings, it only makes you look rather desperate for punters.


Im sorry but Incision was a huge success last fri!



I think the person who has started this night has made out it's some sort of CTW gathering, when if it was me who owned CTW, I would be pretty pissed off that they were trying to cash in on the name and the label.


That would have been me!! And it was nothing to do with CTW - it was mine & Gillys night & i never made out it was a CTW night - i put the logo on the flyers & hung the banners up in the club to further promote the site - not the other way round. And i think im entitled to do that!


4clubbers and Gurn have their good and bad points, CTW has a hell of alot more bad ones, so please dont make yourselves to be something you're clearly not, come back in 4 years. Dont dis your competitors, they are not the reason you're not suceeding.


We arent forcing you to stay on here!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW DJs
shaunstopbeingsomint said:

Some of you go on about CTW offering something that other clubbing sites dont, Im sorry but you dont.

As I see it, most of this board are southerners and a rather different if somewhat disappointing clientee at times and it shows

There's no need to get personal about the crowd. I've met some very sound people through CTW, many others have had the same experience, so isn't that success?

4clubbers and Gurn have their good and bad points, CTW has a hell of alot more bad ones

Have you got something constructive to say? Come out with the bad points then!

Dont dis your competitors, they are not the reason you're not suceeding.

In what way is CTW not succeeding, besides this DJ business which all sounds a bit personal to me?

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  • CTW Admin

Personally I think CTW is succeeding nicely smile.gif


I totally agree though that we've got to stop comparing ourselves to other boards and in some cases slagging them off - this is just not on and you are right it only makes us look bad. This is not a competition people. I set this site up without any knowledge of Gurn or 4clubbers - I actually set it up because I went to a Mixmag meet which some of the members had set up and thought I could do a lot better and make people feel far more welcome and get to more varied clubs. Had I known about 4c or Gurn at the time I probably would have just joined one of those sites and been part of their community.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors
James said:

Personally I think CTW is succeeding nicely smile.gif


I totally agree though that we've got to stop comparing ourselves to other boards and in some cases slagging them off - this is just not on and you are right it only makes us look bad. This is not a competition people. I set this site up without any knowledge of Gurn or 4clubbers - I actually set it up because I went to a Mixmag meet which some of the members had set up and thought I could do a lot better and make people feel far more welcome and get to more varied clubs. Had I known about 4c or Gurn at the time I probably would have just joined one of those sites and been part of their community.


I wasnt aware we were slagging off other boards - i for one have never slagged any other board off. Im good friends with both Nige (Wibble) and Salvador and often meet up to discuss ideas. I have always been the first to say we ought to work together rather than against each other.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Admin

Sorry Sarah, I meant "we" and in "we the community" - I know for a fact that neither you or I have ever slagged off any other message board.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Tis ok hun - i was quoting you but answering in reply to shaunwotshisname's post

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW DJs

We would love the CTW name to go with you but would you like to explain exactly what that involves? And what is it you are wanting CTW to do for you cos im not sure what you mean



what i'm trying to say is that, When i play out I always make sure the name "clubtheworld " goes on the flyer (for example even where i'm playing this Sat, Smile @ Bagleys), I could easily have names of bigger promotions I play for, but i chose to push the site forward to try and catch the eye of as many clubbers as possible.

I always tell promoters and clubbers about the site and have even got a few clubtheworld v's promotions in the pipeline with big London promotions. shhh.gif

Basically what i'm trying to say is that every oppertunity I get I plug the site, and would appreciate a similar situation for the site supporting me, (i.e coming along to gigs on occassion)


This may come across as personal but i'm just defending myself to comments made earlier:


I also wanted to add in my deffence that you said that you get some comments from people regarding my DJ'ing situation, I would just like to make it clear that these are the views of the people you are talking too sarah. And in no way would i ever get someone to do my dirty work.

With regards to playing up North, I have not actaually turned down any gigs as i haven't been offered any (tell a lie, i was offered 1 which i accepted, turnt down a paying gig in London for it, arranged transport with a very big DJ and then was told I wasn't playing, i found this very embarrassing on my behalf). What I did say is that can't afford to get to the North at the moment, if i'm not actually going to enhance my CV by doing so. Also with regards to playing At Incision, you have said that I mentioned that it would become very expensive and that is true. which i why I couldn't afford to play for nothing. As we discussed it would cost me £60 ish for the train fare, plus the cost of a B&B/hotel, due to the fact that i would be stranded after the club has closed until the trains run, which i'll be looking at over £100 for an hours set, i don't mind being out of pocket but this amount burns a hole. what wasn't mentioned is that i've agreed to play for you at the next incision. which is the only Incision i've been asked to play for.


I think there needs to be better communication between everyone on here then stuff like this wouldnt get out of hand in the first place


I couldn't agree more Sarah. I will definately contact you more with regards to playing etc, now i know that i won't feel like i'm pestering you. also i'm here if you need help lightening your work load. At the end of the day we are both guilty. And i hope this will be resolved thumbs.gif


p.s: is this msn conversation going to take place as i'm still waiting guys (maybe its just me not being great with computers) laugh.gif

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  • CTW Promotors
Tony.P said:

We would love the CTW name to go with you but would you like to explain exactly what that involves? And what is it you are wanting CTW to do for you cos im not sure what you mean



what i'm trying to say is that, When i play out I always make sure the name "clubtheworld " goes on the flyer (for example even where i'm playing this Sat, Smile @ Bagleys), I could easily have names of bigger promotions I play for, but i chose to push the site forward to try and catch the eye of as many clubbers as possible.

I always tell promoters and clubbers about the site and have even got a few clubtheworld v's promotions in the pipeline with big London promotions. shhh.gif

Basically what i'm trying to say is that every oppertunity I get I plug the site, and would appreciate a similar situation for the site supporting me, (i.e coming along to gigs on occassion)


the only reasons i havnt been able to come to gigs are cos of a lack of finances & committments up here. I cant however speak for the other members who live a lot nearer.


This may come across as personal but i'm just defending myself to comments made earlier:


I also wanted to add in my deffence that you said that you get some comments from people regarding my DJ'ing situation, I would just like to make it clear that these are the views of the people you are talking too sarah. And in no way would i ever get someone to do my dirty work.

With regards to playing up North, I have not actaually turned down any gigs as i haven't been offered any (tell a lie, i was offered 1 which i accepted, turnt down a paying gig in London for it, arranged transport with a very big DJ and then was told I wasn't playing, i found this very embarrassing on my behalf). What I did say is that can't afford to get to the North at the moment, if i'm not actually going to enhance my CV by doing so. Also with regards to playing At Incision, you have said that I mentioned that it would become very expensive and that is true. which i why I couldn't afford to play for nothing. As we discussed it would cost me £60 ish for the train fare, plus the cost of a B&B/hotel, due to the fact that i would be stranded after the club has closed until the trains run, which i'll be looking at over £100 for an hours set, i don't mind being out of pocket but this amount burns a hole. what wasn't mentioned is that i've agreed to play for you at the next incision. which is the only Incision i've been asked to play for.


I have sent you several PMs explaining that i would love you to play up here but you need to be better known for me to approach promoters & tell them you need £100 travel expenses or whatever - does that make me in the wrong? Im in a no-win situation. You have only been asked to play for one Incision for the simple fact that there has only been one Incision so far - the launch night was last fri.

AS for the cock up with you playing up here that keeps getting mentioned - i would like to point out that this was nothing to do with me - it was for Damnation which i have no connections with apart from knowing the promoters. I think its unfair to associate what happened there with me, i didnt even know what had happened until you PMd me over it. I suggest that you take it up with the people that booked you for it


I think there needs to be better communication between everyone on here then stuff like this wouldnt get out of hand in the first place



I couldn't agree more Sarah. I will definately contact you more with regards to playing etc, now i know that i won't feel like i'm pestering you. also i'm here if you need help lightening your work load. At the end of the day we are both guilty. And i hope this will be resolved thumbs.gif


p.s: is this msn conversation going to take place as i'm still waiting guys (maybe its just me not being great with computers) laugh.gif


We had the meeting at 8.30 - where were u?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Iv been on line since 8pm, did you try to add me???


I dont expect all of my travel expense paid, all im saying is I have to weigh up @ the time my finances etc!!


You say you had your launch night last week, I was not asked to play Sarah, which is fine, but you have made it sound on the board that I was asked & declined!!!


Anyway, we've both established now we should approach & commmunicate better, sorry for the meeting confusion, but I was here waiting to be added to a convo, as not sure how to go about doing it myself, my mistake sorry.gif

How did it go?? thumbs.gifthumbs.gif

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  • CTW Promotors
Tony.P said:

Iv been on line since 8pm, did you try to add me???


I dont expect all of my travel expense paid, all im saying is I have to weigh up @ the time my finances etc!!


You say you had your launch night last week, I was not asked to play Sarah, which is fine, but you have made it sound on the board that I was asked & declined!!!


Anyway, we've both established now we should approach & commmunicate better, sorry for the meeting confusion, but I was here waiting to be added to a convo, as not sure how to go about doing it myself, my mistake sorry.gif

How did it go?? thumbs.gifthumbs.gif


I kept watching the msn thing to see if you came online & you didnt so i dont know wot happened there confused.gif


You say you need to weigh up your expenses etc before accepting which is fair enough - but other members dont know that - they are just assuming ive never asked you in the first place.

We discussed you playing at the launch night and your exact words were that i wouldnt be able to afford you. Thats fair enough - you are having to fund yourself & we were on a major tight budget with it being launch night.

You make it sound like ive never offered you anything - that is not strictly true - i may have not said could you come n play at so & so night on the whatever day of whatever month but i have on several occasions put an idea of a gig in your direction, to which you then say you cant afford to come up.

This is all very frustrating cos im the one thats made out to be the bad one not supporting you

What else am i meant to do???? banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Ok Iv added you to our MSN & now we can chat over that..


This conversation is just gonna continue with who's done what, when & why. Which is not what i want. What i want is for the promotion side and the DJ side of CTW to work along side each other to produce the best results for the site, which i'm positive can be fantastic with the talent we have.

Which is what my original post was about before this got out of hand and i appologise for that.

This surely shows that there is spirit in the site and its members as this thread is massive now.

here's to the future and working together as a community beerchug.gif

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  • CTW Promotors
Tony.P said:

Ok Iv added you to our MSN & now we can chat over that..


This conversation is just gonna continue with who's done what, when & why. Which is not what i want. What i want is for the promotion side and the DJ side of CTW to work along side each other to produce the best results for the site, which i'm positive can be fantastic with the talent we have.

Which is what my original post was about before this got out of hand and i appologise for that.

This surely shows that there is spirit in the site and its members as this thread is massive now.

here's to the future and working together as a community beerchug.gif


At least theres something we agree on! nod.gif

We need to work more together & communicate better which i beleive will happen now. Just hope everyone reads all the posts & understands a bit better now

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Techno, Techno, Techno

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