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Has the community spirit gone on CTW?

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  • CTW Promotors
CreamyC said:



I think the person who has started this night has made out it's some sort of CTW gathering, when if it was me who owned CTW, I would be pretty pissed off that they were trying to cash in on the name and the label.


I cannot comment on this because I am not involved with any organising of clubbing nights or whether any money is raised. What I do know is CTW was not associated with this night therefore I cant see how anyone was trying to cash in on the name? Attracting CTW members maybe but I cant see whats wrong with that, if people are going to go they will, if they dont want to go they wont, simple. From what I hear CTW banners were up at this night so maybe CTW should be paying Sarah etc them for advertising the CTW site?


The Incision night had nothing whatsoever to do with CTW, we used some of the djs & i put a banner up in the club and hung posters up. This i did to promote the site rather than 'cashing in' on the CTW name. I advertised the night on this board as i felt i was entitled to. I dont want anything out of it as i beleive in one good turn deserving another.

End of story!



INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Admin

Kev pretty much sums it all up, although yet again Kevin I wouldnt have gone the angry/defensive route... but thats why I luv ya grin.gifiluvu.gifheartbeat.gifgrouphug.gifshhh.gif


End of the day there are a [censored] load of people who just love to winge and moan but never get off their arse to actually HELP matters. I'm probably the laziest guy I know but at least I'm doing 'something'. shrug.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Admin
SarahPvc said:

The Incision night had nothing whatsoever to do with CTW, we used some of the djs & i put a banner up in the club and hung posters up. This i did to promote the site rather than 'cashing in' on the CTW name. I advertised the night on this board as i felt i was entitled to. I dont want anything out of it as i beleive in one good turn deserving another.

End of story!


Also, we had banners up advertising incision in exchange for the great exposure Sarah was getting us. I keep saying it and it aint sinking in to a few of you but the WHOLE CONCEPT we live by here is "Everyone helping everyone out". Money doesnt exist in my world ...

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Promotors
James said:

SarahPvc said:

The Incision night had nothing whatsoever to do with CTW, we used some of the djs & i put a banner up in the club and hung posters up. This i did to promote the site rather than 'cashing in' on the CTW name. I advertised the night on this board as i felt i was entitled to. I dont want anything out of it as i beleive in one good turn deserving another.

End of story!


Also, we had banners up advertising incision in exchange for the great exposure Sarah was getting us. I keep saying it and it aint sinking in to a few of you but the WHOLE CONCEPT we live by here is "Everyone helping everyone out". Money doesnt exist in my world ...


My point exactly! People seem to think we are making shite loads out of the site, advertising, promoting etc when in fact we arent even covering our costs at the moment. I guess we do it for the love of it! nod.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Moderators
CreamyC said:


Im sorry but why when the issue is the 'community spirit' of CTW that 4Clubbers gets mentioned and slagged off.


Who slagged off 4clubbers? What comment was made? I didn't make any 'slagging off' comment about 4clubbers and I cant read anyone else that has.



Some of you go on about CTW offering something that other clubbing sites dont, Im sorry but you dont.


Correct, we dont. Not yet. But we will, maybe not immediately but soon, obviously you wouldn't know about it because you haven't seen it yet but thanks for your support in its 'early days', its people like you we need to say things like that in order to make it happen so thanks. I'll definately bear you in mind in the future.



You're trying so hard to be different when what's already on offer works damn well by others, 4C and Gurn are the biggest communities out there and well respected, nothings going to change that fact and they have worked so hard to gain the respect and coverage they have. By Dissing them, you're only making CTW look bad and mightly jealous of their success.


We're not trying hard to be different. You dont know the facts mate. This site was born in October 2001, it was nothing, I met James in January last year, when I first met him he never said to me he wanted to be BIGGER than 4clubbers or Gurn. And why? Because neither of us knew about these two sites, it was only when Sarah joined it was decided to split the site in two and have one side dealing with clubbing events and the other dealing with non-clubbing events nut not once was it mentioned we would become a rival to any other site. At first we never knew what direction we wanted this site to go, the first few months was to build the community and see what happens. It was to plan nights and get members out every week and make new clubbing mates or not neccessarily clubbing mates, just new mates. We are NOT dissing 4clubbers / gurn and we are NOT jealous, 4clubbers are an excellent site as is Gurn and harderfaster for the areas they cover. Tell me something though, do these sites have a dedicated forum for regular non clubbing event member meet-ups? Do THEY themselves organise this without making a penny out of it? No. Now tell me we are not making it a different site. Okay, so they organise meet-ups in clubs but whats new there? Nothing. The event organising will get better than this though, it just needs time. I would say watch this space but you clearly have no faith in this site so theres no point. Every new member that becomes a regular gets a welcome and invited to any regional meet-up thats going on so once again, you haven't looked into this clearly enough before making your points. I would do then maybe you wont look silly next time.



As I see it, most of this board are southerners and a rather different if somewhat disappointing clientee at times and it shows, you only have to do the basic math to know a night up in Leeds isnt going to be half as successful. If people dont feel they have been involved in the nights process, just like Gurn then people wont have the enthuasism to turn up on the night. If you go on about community spirit, where's the community spirit in organising these nights instead of a 1 man show whi's doing it for everyone.


What area you come from has got nothing to do with it. Again, you haven't got any idea about this site have you. The fact ClubTheWorld was not involved in this night was the issue NOT the area. If you think the area was the case why did 50 members go all the way up to Nottingham for the FIRST ClubTheWorld night in December? There are dedicated members that will travel anywhere. Bear that in mind. There are off the board discussions about last Friday which I am not wasting my time going through with you.



Making people think it's some sort of CTW night too is only going to put other people off who arent connected with CTW, 1. they dont know what it is, why would people want to take such a chance to come to the night they knowing nothing about or what it stands for, people are picky 2. they wouldnt fit in. You dont see Gurn plaguing other messageboards about their Gurn Gatherings, it only makes you look rather desperate for punters.


Okay, so a ClubTheWorld night is for just for ClubTheWorld members? You may think so but because its a CTW night doesn't mean we dont encourage other board members - we do - but as you say why would it be of interest to an outsider of ClubTheWorld? Probably wouldn't at all but by us / people in general inviting others to come along proves that we aint this cliquey site that some people imply, we're not trying to 'poach' members, we are merely inviting them as a way of getting to know them better, whats so wrong with that? Desperate, what you on about? No way, even if we come out of this with just 20 regular members then so what, its not our intention to be bigger than anyone. I'm not getting involved in this rivalry crap because I dont believe in it, you think we are but you are wrong.



If you really think that people should have to support a night for the hell of it, they won't bother going. People will ultimately go because they want to, not because they feel they have to.


I agree with you on this one, you CANNOT make people go somewhere because they are being made to. Thats wrong.



I think the person who has started this night has made out it's some sort of CTW gathering, when if it was me who owned CTW, I would be pretty pissed off that they were trying to cash in on the name and the label.


I cannot comment on this because I am not involved with any organising of clubbing nights or whether any money is raised. What I do know is CTW was not associated with this night therefore I cant see how anyone was trying to cash in on the name? Attracting CTW members maybe but I cant see whats wrong with that, if people are going to go they will, if they dont want to go they wont, simple. From what I hear CTW banners were up at this night so maybe CTW should be paying Sarah etc them for advertising the CTW site?



Dont run before you can walk.


Not trying to run anywhere. Small nights have been organised by CTW, certain DJ's have played at some popular nights, in what way are we trying to run before we can walk? Not as if we've made a massive statement to everyone telling them how wonderful we are and how big we are because we haven't. So explain.



4clubbers and Gurn have their good and bad points, CTW has a hell of alot more bad ones, so please dont make yourselves to be something you're clearly not, come back in 4 years. Dont dis your competitors, they are not the reason you're not succeeding.


Correct, every site has their good and bad points, if you think CTW has more bad points than good then why are you here? You hardly care about this site do you, you only seem to want to slag it off, you made points that hardly make any sense to what the site is trying to acheieve, instead you've bulldozed through your points without checking your facts first and in turn made yourself look stupid. You seem an avid supporter of the other sites so why not stay with them if you think we have so many bad points, we care more about the members and we make NO MONEY out of it so whats the problem. I am not ignorant to the fact that we dont have bad points because we do, quite a few in fact but there is some serious re-organising that needs to take place. Dissing competitors? Nope, we haven't, but then if a member has said that we can hardly stop them and we wont stop them, thats their view. Not succeeding? Listen mate, there was just 4 members on this site a little over year ago, now we have I say about 150 so heres a few points for you to remember before you make stupid statements. Since October 2001 this site has:


Organised member meet-ups in different regions

Orgainsed meetups at clubs / pubs / other events

Visited different areas - member related (from next month that will happen every month)

We are meeting members in Bournemouth, Edinburgh, Ireland and more place in the future.

There are non clubbing events in the pipeline for members and loads more happening without - a highly important point - making a single penny.

We had nearly 30 members out in Ibiza for a 2 week period - not bad for a site that was only 7 months old.

Again, another member meet-up in Ibiza this year.


Now tell me where we are not succeeding. Get your facts straight first yeah. Then come back to me in 4 years and then we'll see whos doing what. And then I might allow you wipe the [censored] from my arse.





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