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Can every1 help me in a long running debate I having with my mates.


Its not a very nice debate but it needs to be addressed.


When one is in the lavatory...er....laying a cable shall we say, does one rise from the seat to wipe ones rear or does one simply lift a cheek for easy access?


Current scores stand at:


Risers: 14

Cheek Lifters: 9


I myself am a riser.


Please feel free to enlighten me........or (much more likely) tell me to piss off.


GKC smile.gif

Edited by GodsKitchenBoy

Head of the Monkey Mafia.....


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lift & rise!!! yay.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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MrFart said:

I prefer not to wipe but soil my y-fronts instead, nice warm sensation. Then once dry, it can be picked off and sold to gullible school kids as solid nod.gif


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GodsKitchenBoy said:

How can you lift and riser?


Surely you would go off at an angle and fall arse over tit down the side of the bog?


GKC bumshake.gif


U lift one cheek up of the seat whilst raising it at same time!!! lean 4ward slightly, wipe, inspect then throw down loo!! grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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GodsKitchenBoy said:

How can you lift and riser?


Surely you would go off at an angle and fall arse over tit down the side of the bog?


GKC bumshake.gif


Is this from experience?

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Whacked my head on the sink on the way down....next thing I know I am lying in a heap with my keggs round ankles and blood pissing out of my forehead......which is nice....


And why does every one inspect the bog paper before throwing it down the bog? Ummmmm......or is that just me then?


GKC bumshake.gif

Head of the Monkey Mafia.....


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GodsKitchenBoy said:



Whacked my head on the sink on the way down....next thing I know I am lying in a heap with my keggs round ankles and blood pissing out of my forehead......which is nice....


And why does every one inspect the bog paper before throwing it down the bog? Ummmmm......or is that just me then?


GKC bumshake.gif

your really gonna fit in here lol.gif

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Girls always seem to lift as a preference......


I reckon its beause they don't have to worry about crushing anything when leaning to one side......


Its also a little known fact that many women can piss quite effectively whilst standing up.....


I used to be a doctor you know.........well almost.......well not at all really but its the thought that counts


GKC smash.gif

Head of the Monkey Mafia.....


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