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how bad is it...

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when u meet sum1 for the first time and u can see they're alright, but they have something small about them which is unusual. U know urself that u don't mind it and that it doesn't bother u, but they don't know that u're ok about it, since it's the first time u've met, and you want to let them know that it doesn't matter....might all come in time, but at the time it's embarassing :P


*takes breath*


n that's it shrug.gif

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there's a guy at work who is a great bloke, we haven't spoken much but he's polite when he comes round for assistance. he's slightly boss eyed which doesn't really bother me at all -- but u know when ur talking 2 sum1 about 'thinking stuff' u sort of focus on ppl's eyes when ur listening, (etc etc). he obviously knows what he looks like and i don't want him to think it's putting me off. so it's trying to come across as 'doesn't matter', when it actually "doesn't matter", kinda thing.

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well i'd hope not cos so many ppl had told me

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Phil_raa said:

there's a guy at work who is a great bloke, we haven't spoken much but he's polite when he comes round for assistance. he's slightly boss eyed which doesn't really bother me at all -- but u know when ur talking 2 sum1 about 'thinking stuff' u sort of focus on ppl's eyes when ur listening, (etc etc). he obviously knows what he looks like and i don't want him to think it's putting me off. so it's trying to come across as 'doesn't matter', when it actually "doesn't matter", kinda thing.


phil i used to work with a girl who was "boss eyed" & i know exactly what you mean. when we first started working together it was all i noticed when i talked to her, but the more i worked with her i think i just got used to it & in the end honestly never noticed it.

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lmao!!! yeh what rach said nod.gifnut.gif

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rachel said:

its when your eyes are really bossy, the person asks you to do something & you feel like you HAVE to do it cos of the way they look at you.


as opposed to u who has 'boss voice' wink.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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