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Whether you like his music or not, there is no denying that many of us do. Agreed, not everything he did was great, but there are many productions that many of us do.


Therefore, he does leave a legacy from his productions. Many of us do feel the passion in his work. Just because a some don't necessarily feel the same way, doesn't mean that the legacy isn't there. The legacy is there because there are those of us that do feel the way we do about his works.


Add to that the fact that he broke down barriers between the gay and non-gay (I won't say straight, as that is just one faction) dance scenes - he really has made it easier for the mixed culture that emerged and continues to go from strength to strength today.


Plus, with the charity work carried out in his name, peoples lives are changing in ways that I'm sure TDV would be proud of.


I don't know if I've expressed myself properly and the way I want to... But hopeuflly you'll understand what I'm trying to say!

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
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Chris_Hutchinson said:

Mr_Happy said:


Dont forget, TDV remixed the likes of Louise, Ant n Dec, East 17, The Shamen, North n South and many other commercial acts which just shows how popular he was!!!!!


or he was the only fooker that would touch those acts with a bargepole

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Found a similar thread on the bangingtunes forum, and this was said which I COMPLETELY agree with!!!!


I wasn't into dance music as much when he was alive so never heard any of his tracks/mixes till after his death. Although he may have been a great pioneer at the time the number of people who speak about him as tho he was some godlike being that could do no wrong is just sad. Also it strikes me that he is championed as a major player in the hard sound, whereas looking back at the tracks/remixes he did he seems to be mostly a trance man.

I'm all for celebrating someones life after their death and cherishing the memories that people have of them, but i'm against tarnishing someones memory and using them as a promotional tool.

Well as everyone knows the main culprits in this are Tidy Trax, the Trade Room at the last weekender was just sick, I thought it was going to be a tribute but it was more like a memorial, with pictures and videos from when he was a kid, ruined the atmosphere for me completely. And then there's the constant re-releases and remixes of his tunes, along with the events that they throw in his name. The list goes on really.

Think his memory should be left alone and that new talent should be concentrated on.






full thread can be found by clicking HERE

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  • CTW DJs
Chris_Hutchinson said:

Found a similar thread on the bangingtunes forum, and this was said which I COMPLETELY agree with!!!!


I wasn't into dance music as much when he was alive so never heard any of his tracks/mixes till after his death. Although he may have been a great pioneer at the time the number of people who speak about him as tho he was some godlike being that could do no wrong is just sad. Also it strikes me that he is championed as a major player in the hard sound, whereas looking back at the tracks/remixes he did he seems to be mostly a trance man

I'm all for celebrating someones life after their death and cherishing the memories that people have of them, but i'm against tarnishing someones memory and using them as a promotional tool.

Well as everyone knows the main culprits in this are Tidy Trax, the Trade Room at the last weekender was just sick, I thought it was going to be a tribute but it was more like a memorial, with pictures and videos from when he was a kid, ruined the atmosphere for me completely. And then there's the constant re-releases and remixes of his tunes, along with the events that they throw in his name. The list goes on really.

Think his memory should be left alone and that new talent should be concentrated on.






full thread can be found by clicking HERE



some very good points made there

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TomD said:

Chris_Hutchinson said:

TDV remixed the likes of Louise, Ant n Dec, East 17, The Shamen, North n South and many other commercial acts which just shows how popular he was!!!!!


that could also be read another way.


just what i was thinking

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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modular1 said:

Chris_Hutchinson said:

Mr_Happy said:


Dont forget, TDV remixed the likes of Louise, Ant n Dec, East 17, The Shamen, North n South and many other commercial acts which just shows how popular he was!!!!!


or he was the only fooker that would touch those acts with a bargepole



No offence, but its people that think like yoursewlf that are doing the dance music scene more harm then good banghead.gif


Why the [censored] should it be an elitist scene, and not open for everyone to enjoy???

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offence taken


thats not what i was meaning.. and how does remixing [censored] artists do a scene any good? its just makes a mockery of the 'good' stuff that he did..



you dont hear anyone still caning his ant and dec remix do you?


no, cos he prolly did it just for the money, which to anyone with half a brain is bloody obvious....

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modular1 said:

thats not what i was meaning.. and how does remixing [censored] artists do a scene any good? its just makes a mockery of the 'good' stuff that he did..


A good remix of a [censored] tune is never a bad thing.... his remix of Louise 'Naked' won a load of awards and no doubt helped push dance music forwards!! Its this sort of thing everyone should be encouraging.... it happens with funky music all the time, yet nobody complains!!!! Remixing a tune which will have mass appeal is a GOOD THING!!



modular1 said:

no, cos he prolly did it just for the money, which to anyone with half a brain is bloody obvious....


You may not realise it, but not everyone in the music industry is here for money! If De Vit was in it for money, why would he pay the other trade residents to have a night off, so that he could play a 12hr 'thank you' set??

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modular1 said:

you dont hear anyone still caning his ant and dec remix do you?



True point, wrong reason though...


I put this down to the fact that only 300 promotional copies were ever pressed onto vinyl......this was back in 1996/7 so its not like everyone has access to it unless they have a cd deck, and even then, the cd single has no doubt been deleted by the label now!!!


No doubt Tidy will license it for re-release when the run out of his tunes, and you will hear it everywhere for a few weeks.....

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modular1 said:

no, cos he prolly did it just for the money, which to anyone with half a brain is bloody obvious....



& pray tell Ian what exactly is wrong with that???

Do we all not try to aspire to succeed in life & too make money to live comfortably???


TDV made it.... FAIR FOOKING PLAY to the guy!! notworthy.gif


Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW DJs
A good remix of a [censored] tune is never a bad thing.... his remix of Louise 'Naked' won a load of awards and no doubt helped push dance music forwards!! Its this sort of thing everyone should be encouraging.... it happens with funky music all the time, yet nobody complains!!!! Remixing a tune which will have mass appeal is a GOOD THING!!


i cant see how this remix pushed dance music forwards really m8... i dont even think most people on here will ever have heard it


remixing a tune that is already gonna rake it in with or without a dance remix, is not doing it out of love of the song... its done to promote his remixing work and for cash...


end of...

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modular1 said:

i cant see how this remix pushed dance music forwards really m8... i dont even think most people on here will ever have heard it


remixing a tune that is already gonna rake it in with or without a dance remix, is not doing it out of love of the song... its done to promote his remixing work and for cash...


end of...


Ian has it occured to you that possibly the artists in question may have aproached TDV to ask him to remix, knowing what a ledgend the man was, hence making money for both parties involved!!!


Honestly are you saying that if you were approached & asked to remix a *cheesy choon*, for a large sum of cash also making you a poss household name, you'd say NO! confused.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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modular1 said:

i cant see how this remix pushed dance music forwards really m8... i dont even think most people on here will ever have heard it


The people that bought the cd single will have heard it!!


As for it pushing dance music... maybe 'promoted dance music' would have been a better term - at the end of the day, if new people are not introduced into dance music, it will die.... commercial remixes are an easy way of acheiving this!


Hell, one of my friends at uni started getting into hardhouse after hearing the Pants + Corset remix of S Club 7, so its certainly no bad thing!




modular1 said:

remixing a tune that is already gonna rake it in with or without a dance remix, is not doing it out of love of the song... its done to promote his remixing work and for cash...


end of...


Thats debatable depending on how pessimistic you are.... True, it will increase his own profile, but as said above, it will also help the scene in general!!


BT, Ferry Corsten, Erick Morillo, Plump DJs, Carl Cox, Paul Oakenfold, Sasha etc. (In other words, biggest DJs/producers of dance music in the world) have all remixed commercial tunes and nobody bats an eyelid at them..... why is it only hard-dance producers that are seemingly not-allowed to remix commercial tunes without being branded as 'sell outs'???

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miss_diddy said:

Honestly are you saying that if you were approached & asked to remix a *cheesy choon*, for a large sum of cash also making you a poss household name, you'd say NO! confused.gif


Chris_Hutchinson said:

Thats debatable depending on how pessimistic you are.... True, it will increase his own profile, but as said above, it will also help the scene in general!!


BT, Ferry Corsten, Erick Morillo, Plump DJs, Carl Cox, Paul Oakenfold, Sasha etc. (In other words, biggest DJs/producers of dance music in the world) have all remixed commercial tunes and nobody bats an eyelid at them..... why is it only hard-dance producers that are seemingly not-allowed to remix commercial tunes without being branded as 'sell outs'???





i aint branding him a sell out!!!! loadsa people do remixes of cheesy [censored], and to regard most of this stuff as anything other than remixes done for cash and not love is [censored] stupid!! he certainly didnt do it 'to expand the scene'


miss diddy...of course i would do it myself!!!!


ferry corsten, one of my fave producers remixed a track off the last lighthouse family albumm ffs.... was he trying to get lighthouse family fans into trance????? i think not... he was doing it to line his pocket!!! i dont give a [censored] about that record and probly neither does ferry corsten!!! ive never heard him play it in any of his sets

and dont expect anyoneone else to either!!


you just need to look a litle deeper and see that its good business to do that stuff! if ferry died tomorrow i very much doubt he'd wanna see that included in his legacy!!!!





eyes a bit more open than yours mabye....

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why is it only hard-dance producers that are seemingly not-allowed to remix commercial tunes without being branded as 'sell outs'???


this is prolly just your own values of selling out being projected onto the scene that you love probly because the 'scene' wants to be viewed as underground rather than embrace the stigma of being 'commercial' (which is whats gotta happen if its not gonna die out)...


.. which all coinsides with the selling of tonys legacy, cos its ok to sell someone out if they are dead!!!


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