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why don't french people eat alot at breakfast?

Tony P

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Another French joke for you: -


What did Napoleon say to the Duke of Wellington at the commencement of the Battle of Waterloo?


"A l'eau, c'est l'heure."



Let me know if you don't get it and i'll explain...

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haha James!


those translator thingys dont' work very well....trying to translate the first page of ctw lol


et c'est un oeuf, not en oeuf (deux oeufs, trois oeufs)


moi je reste dans la franco-capitale d'amerique du nord


(I live in the french capital of north america)


and good job on the slang 'con' thumbs.gif


the worst is trying to figure out wtf people are saying on msg boards...the abbreviations are really hard to get at first!!!

I am NOT a dj

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