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Dani, Scream, Bushy, Emma, Donna - TW4

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Clubbing_Si said:

Booked yay.gif


Top package available and will be getting VIP wristbands wen i get there

just need those details from u 4 (i got mine and dani's) get them to me tonite if poss smash.gif


Cool as [censored] matey!!!

I'm gonna bumrape you when i get hold of you!

Top geezer!!!


Mailing the details to ya now my son!


We're going to tidy weekender bouncy.gif

We're going to tidy weekender bouncy.gif

We're going to tidy weekender bouncy.gif

We're going to tidy weekender bouncy.gif

We're going to tidy weekender bouncy.gif

We're going to tidy weekender bouncy.gif

We're going to tidy weekender bouncy.gif

We're going to tidy weekender bouncy.gif


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Im not cry.gif

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Are you?

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Can i join you?

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I just got a new job. And they wont allow me to have the time off.


Im thinking of quitting. but then ill have no money to pay for TW anyway!!! shrug.gif

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Work til a week before Tidy then quit!

You will therefore have the money for tidy!

And not have to worry about the job!



Dont mention it to anyone from now on, then pull a sicky all weekend, go in on the tuesday and you'll look like death warmed up, and they'll reckon you've had a right time of it, and may even send you home to recover! Ta-da

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