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this tidy membership crap


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well ive had to join today to get our chalet, which is booked thank fark however im just wondering whether the whole think is hyped up by tidy ( by that i mean nearly sold out in two days and only member can get tickets for a while) in order to get people to panic and join tidy so they can make an extra score out of us.


just a thought...

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2b honnest - on this occation i think tidy r being honnest, but i really wouldnt put it past em to pull such a stunt

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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no the membership is a good idea... you get discounts on vinyl and first choice on all events...


the last weekender the general public were able to get tickets too, but with most of them now being fc members it is only mainly fc members who will be booking tickets, tidy hasnt 'hyped' it up so to speak as fc or not... they will sell out!

Edited by princesstidy

stomp like no ones watching, learn it, live it... keep it Tidy!


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I think they'd be much better making non members pay an extra fiver each for weekender - and not give priority booking... Or only one days priority booking...

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princesstidy said:

no the membership is a good idea... you get discounts on vinyl and first choice on all events...


the last weekender the general public were able to get tickets too, but with most of them now being fc members it is only mainly fc members who will be booking tickets, tidy hasnt 'hyped' it up so to speak as fc or not... they will sell out!

but 99% of us hate tidy recrods and dont get ticked into the whole 'merchandise is good 4 ur soul' ploy. we just want a good night out.

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
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oh my appologies to you, they never asked you to join and if you hate tidy records then you would hate the weekender... they play loads of tidy record there they do!

stomp like no ones watching, learn it, live it... keep it Tidy!


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gotta admit that i like tidy djs, i like tidy releases... just haven't become an fc member yet....

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
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princesstidy said:

no the membership is a good idea... you get discounts on vinyl and first choice on all events...


it's the worst-value rip-off i've ever set eyes on. discounts on tidy records - why should you have to pay for this? and a membership card and sticker pack? fantastic - i can't wait until next year's pack, when the benefits will probably include a crudely-made badge reading "I LOVE TIDY" and a fridge magnet.


i've said it before and i'll say it again - it's tidy's rather disgusting ploy to cash in as much as possible from this ever-expanding bubble they're a part of while they still can. they realise, just as others do, that one day it will burst, and the more money they can make now, the better.


your comment about the weekender is pretty stupid. if you're not a tidy fan you wouldn't go? hardly - there's more to the hard house world than tidy. most of my favourite DJs who i saw at the last weekender aren't even on the tidy roster.


given the choice between, say, a tidy weekender and a nukleuz/frantic weekender i know where i'd rather go.


then at the weekender they call on all real tidy "fans" to join FC; so we can't be a fan of the music, the atmosphere, the crowd and the scene without paying £20 a year to The Music Factory Ltd? what a [censored] joke.

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personally i do think it's a bad thing to give priority booking to FC members. I think this is mainly because i can't afford tidy FC membership anyway (Cause as per usual i'm fookin skint) and also i don't tend to by many tidy records any more either. I just think it's a little unfair that certain people should get priority, especially as it lessens (or practically destroys) the chance of people who haven't experienced it before and don't want to pay the £20 FC membership fee incase they don't like it and won't ever use it again. Ah well just my thoughts on the matter

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princesstidy said:

oh my appologies to you, they never asked you to join and if you hate tidy records then you would hate the weekender... they play loads of tidy record there they do!


they dont really tho 2b honnest. i meen they have arenas which feature the tidy sound quite heavily, but tidy r very good 4 holding events that have arenas that have a diff sound to thier own (be it harder, funkyer, techyer or what ever)

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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