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FAO DJ's (Hardstyle/Hardtrance/Trance)

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Blink said:

Am I being oversensitive by thinking that this is blatant sexual discrimination? [And no, i don't play, and have no vested interests, just find it odd that you specify FEMALE, I wouldn't have thought it would have made any difference as long as they were good]


A lot of night have a female only night - its called promotion! Something to pull the crowds in more? There are far more male djs than female and a lot dont get the credit they deserve so i happen to think its a good idea!

Its nothing to do with discrimination - Addiction had a pure female lineup, so did passion - whats sexist about that?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Luke_Revival said:

Im sorry but....SHUT UP!!!


I see you have a good line of defence, I bow to your great intellect, obviously that is such a good reason for advertising for female DJ's, how could I have ever doubted you? Please accept my apologies, I know not what I do. It is not my fault that I am who I am, I am afraid I am merely a product of my environment. Please can you save me from this dark, hideous place in which I find myself and take me to your new, wonderful world of enlightenment.

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Listen, I dont know you, you don't know me...Im looking for DJ's, particularly Female...What is your problem? You said yourself you don't wanna play! So y not keep out?

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Blink said:

Luke_Revival said:

Im sorry but....SHUT UP!!!


I see you have a good line of defence, I bow to your great intellect, obviously that is such a good reason for advertising for female DJ's, how could I have ever doubted you? Please accept my apologies, I know not what I do. It is not my fault that I am who I am, I am afraid I am merely a product of my environment. Please can you save me from this dark, hideous place in which I find myself and take me to your new, wonderful world of enlightenment.


pmsl laugh.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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SarahPvc said:


A lot of night have a female only night - its called promotion! Something to pull the crowds in more? There are far more male djs than female and a lot dont get the credit they deserve so i happen to think its a good idea!


i really dont think female DJs have it ne harder than male DJs @ the mo. @ least not from the lineups i'm seeing l8ly

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Luke_Revival said:

No they dont but there aint many around and we wanna find em..


maybe thats cuz there genuinly IS less female DJs than male. its only recently that DJing has beomce a trendy unisex hobby. it used to be all technical and scarey and as a very general rule of thumb those sorta past times (computery stuff, car mecanics) r male oriented

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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SarahPvc said:

Blink said:

Am I being oversensitive by thinking that this is blatant sexual discrimination? [And no, i don't play, and have no vested interests, just find it odd that you specify FEMALE, I wouldn't have thought it would have made any difference as long as they were good]


A lot of night have a female only night - its called promotion! Something to pull the crowds in more? There are far more male djs than female and a lot dont get the credit they deserve so i happen to think its a good idea!

Its nothing to do with discrimination - Addiction had a pure female lineup, so did passion - whats sexist about that?



Well said Sarah, its nice to see that you are giving every1 an equal chance by encouraging more female djs to come forward smile.gifthumbs.gif

I wish you all the luck thumbs.gif with your event & people should be encouraging you, not havin a winge winge.gif coz they have got nothing better to do. This industry is hard enough as it is lets see a li'l more encouragement for talent for males & females! heartbeat.gif

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Right Ive just read the whole post and have to say I really do not know what Blink and Happy are making such a fuss about. Is it not a good thing that he is giving new talent a go in the 1st place? He said he gets demos off blokes already but wants to give female DJs a chance aswell. This doesnt mean that men cant send in demos aswell surely. The way i see it is its a post to grab he attention of the female DJs on CTW and maybe they'll think "Hey I didnt know he was deffo looking for female DJs, I'll give him a shout"


But more to the point, Its his night and he can do whatever the [censored] he wants!

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So what proportion of your demos are from black people?

Are you not worried that black people are under-represented in house music?


Can't you see Blink's point?

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Laurence said:

Luke_Revival said:

No they dont but there aint many around and we wanna find em..


maybe thats cuz there genuinly IS less female DJs than male. its only recently that DJing has beomce a trendy unisex hobby. it used to be all technical and scarey and as a very general rule of thumb those sorta past times (computery stuff, car mecanics) r male oriented


Now who is being SEXIST angryfire.gif

A few points;

angryfire.gif The female Djs that i know do not do it coz its trendy!They do it coz they love the music & have a passion for it!

angryfire.gif I have got a BTEC 1st in aeronaughtical engineering & i did an apprenticeship in airframe/engine engineering & i certainly didnt do that coz it was trendy, i did it coz i was bloody good at it!

Please stop all this sexist crap coz it is really winding me up & you are talkin out of your arse!

Men & women are capable of doing anything, if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything!

& sexism is only alive in minds like yours!

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