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FAO DJ's (Hardstyle/Hardtrance/Trance)

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Wise up liquideyes, there are no facts to use to back up his "Female DJs only" post, its his personal preference to who he wants demos from. If you dont loike it tough [censored].


Another way to look at it, if you put up a post asking the DJs from CTW to send you Hard house CDs cos thats what you like, and then all the techno/House/Trance DJs all posted "thats discrimination against other DJs" - No it isnt, you like Hard house so thats what you want.


Surely this applies to Luke?


P.S. I know you dont like HH

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Wise up Liam, you have missed Blink's point entirely. A DJ's style (and technical abilities) are the only important factors in selection. Gender however should make no difference. So why even mention gender in the advert? Have you ever heard of "positive discrimination"?


Are you implying that it would be okay for him to encourage CDs specifically from white people? Because gender is just as arbitrary a selection criteria as skin colour (if not moreso).


P.S. When did I say I don't like hard house? Give me one example.

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Well [censored] me, hes going to need a whole lot of DJs if hes going to play by your rules.


He will need the following races to DJ: White, black, asian, pakistani etc etc


Then he will also require both a male and female from each race.


Oh, and we dont want to be agest either do we? So he will need a DJs from both male and female genders, from all of the above races, and from the age brackets of 20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, 40-45, 45-50.


So if you cover all this Luke, it seems you will keep everyone happy and yourself free from lawsuits. Goodluck, hope it works out.




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LiamStyles said:

Wise up liquideyes, there are no facts to use to back up his "Female DJs only" post, its his personal preference to who he wants demos from. If you dont loike it tough [censored].


Another way to look at it, if you put up a post asking the DJs from CTW to send you Hard house CDs cos thats what you like, and then all the techno/House/Trance DJs all posted "thats discrimination against other DJs" - No it isnt, you like Hard house so thats what you want.


Surely this applies to Luke?


P.S. I know you dont like HH


Nice one Liam! thumbs.gif

Luke bye.gif

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Liam, we are not saying that you have to represent every category, what we are saying is, you should be selecting your DJ's SOLELY on their abilities, it shouldn't matter whether they are male/female/black/white/old/young/gay/straight. The only criteria you should be selecting a DJ on is talent


Would you like it if people select a female DJ over you simply because she was female.


I am not naive enough to think it doesn't hapen, but that doesn't make it right.



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babyred said:

LiamStyles said:

Wise up liquideyes, there are no facts to use to back up his "Female DJs only" post, its his personal preference to who he wants demos from. If you dont loike it tough [censored].


Another way to look at it, if you put up a post asking the DJs from CTW to send you Hard house CDs cos thats what you like, and then all the techno/House/Trance DJs all posted "thats discrimination against other DJs" - No it isnt, you like Hard house so thats what you want.


Surely this applies to Luke?


P.S. I know you dont like HH


Nice one Liam! thumbs.gif

I meant LIQUIDEYES bye.gif

Luke, keep up the good work thumbs.gif

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Well it seems the only way he can get around it.


The way i see it, DJs only play records, its not rocket science. If he receives demos all the time im sure they are mostly pretty good technically. So because they are all good technically should he book them all? No, its his own personal choice to which ones have the best tracklisting etc to fit in with his nights. Surely he is intitled to pick which ever ones he wants.

He is in the promoting game, and its a very competitive one. So seeing as he has an all male DJ roster, maybe he just wants a change to help his night stand out.

He has only asked for demos from females anyway, whose to say hes even going to book any? Im sure if all the demos hes receives from the ladies are crap, he wont be booking them. He is merely opening the door for female DJs as he isnt receiving demos from them. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING!

He has already said that this post doesnt mean that blokes cant send him demos, he hasnt restricted himself to the option that he will only book female DJs from now on has he?


I think your point applies to a situation say if a bloke and a bird both went and studied for a degree in rocket science, both qualified with the same marks, went for the same job but the girl got it on the basis she was a girl.


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Liam, I am glad that someone has actually read my arguement and understood it. And I realise that promoting nights with female DJ's is a well used promotional tool. The question is, is it right?


I am not sure whether it is or not. Ig having a female DJ brings in more people to a night, then mybe they are doing their job better than the men, after all, is it a DJ's job to be good, or to get punters through the door?


This was the issue I was getting at, as I asid earlier, I hope Luke's night goes well.


[but do you not think all the female DJ's on this board would have got upset if he had put a post up asking for male DJ's?]

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laugh.gif @ this....poor bloke asks for females to send him mixes.....@ the end of the day its his choice & i can only see that he is encouraging female djs to send him a mix


in a very male orientated profession is it really a bad thing?


personally i dont think it is!



www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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laugh.gif @ this....poor bloke asks for females to send him mixes.....@ the end of the day its his choice & i can only see that he is encouraging female djs to send him a mix


in a very male orientated profession is it really a bad thing?


personally i dont think it is!



www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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So Blink we are in agreement that Luke really isnt in the wrong? As he hasnt chosen Female DJs over Male DJs, he has merely asked for demos from them because he doesnt get any.


As for the girls kickin up if the post was for male DJs only, initially im sure they would. But then then the point that he wasnt excluding them totally just asking for demos from blokes because he doesnt get any wouldve cleared it up.


The question is it right will never be answered by anyone really. In this scenario i think the truth is in the eye of the beholder.

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Well hasnt this been going on while I've been away!

Yes I want demo's off females, and yes it's a good promotional tool.

If all the demos are shite, none will be booked.

As for me not replying, I do have other things to do as well as read posts on here. To be honest your comment aren't really worthy of my time...

If you're really offended by this post stop reading it and mind your own business...


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LiamStyles said:

Well [censored] me, hes going to need a whole lot of DJs if hes going to play by your rules.

He will need the following races to DJ: White, black, asian, pakistani etc etc

Then he will also require both a male and female from each race.

Oh, and we dont want to be agest either do we? So he will need a DJs from both male and female genders, from all of the above races, and from the age brackets of 20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, 40-45, 45-50.

Hooray! You've finally understood my point!


What I am opposed to is positive discrimination (or any other arbitrary discrimination). It is ridiculous that a promoter should purposefully employ, say, some black DJs just for the sake of representation. This is why Blink and I questioned Luke's decision to specifically target females.


My point is, I bet the reaction would have been different if he had specifically targetted white DJs. So why is one form of discrimination okay but not another?

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Luke_Revival said:

Well hasnt this been going on while I've been away!

Yes I want demo's off females, and yes it's a good promotional tool.

If all the demos are shite, none will be booked.

As for me not replying, I do have other things to do as well as read posts on here. To be honest your comment aren't really worthy of my time...

If you're really offended by this post stop reading it and mind your own business...

You've been on this site less than a month.

You're already using it to promote your night / acquire DJs (fair enough).

And then you dismiss a whole range of constructive comments as "not worthy of your time", can't be bothered to reply properly, and call people "silly" for having different opinions to your own.


Spot the guy who is just exploiting the site for his own gain and has no interest in making a positive contribution...

Maybe you should learn some tact if you want to get anywhere as a promoter.

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LiamStyles said:

He has already said that this post doesnt mean that blokes cant send him demos, he hasnt restricted himself to the option that he will only book female DJs from now on has he?

Agreed. All I am doing is pointing out the dubiousness of even mentioning gender in the advert. Okay, Luke's not getting many demos from women. Well I'd like to bet there are plenty of other groups of people he's not getting demos from either. So (to be devil's advocate) if he's going to represent one minority group, shouldn't he represent them all?


IMHO - of course not. It's all or nothing. He should advertise for " DJs" and leave it at that.


I think your point applies to a situation say if a bloke and a bird both went and studied for a degree in rocket science, both qualified with the same marks, went for the same job but the girl got it on the basis she was a girl.

Precisely. In fact this would be illegal and the male applicant could sue. What we're saying is, what is so special about a DJing job that makes it okay to sexually discriminate? Isn't it a job like any other?

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