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CTW site, is....

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CreamyC said:

Bukey said:

xpaulax said:

how many pm`s can ya keep in ur mail box james. does too many make any difference?


Dunno on any limits set, Paula... But it shouldn't make too much of a difference most of the time.


In theory, (I don't know UBB itself all that well, but do know other forum scripts and PHP/MySQL and the best practices, that's why it's theory) PMs will be kept in a separate table, and so although loads of PMs would increase the database size, unless that table is being interrogated (eg, you call up the index to your PM inbox, or open a PM) it shouldn't have too much of an impact.


Though, if BeBe's continuosly reloading her PM inbox, this could be causing extra queries and a high load... But even then, she'd have to have F5 taped down on a fair few


machines before I'd expect tooo much of an impact.


whooshhhhhhhhhhh laugh.gif


Jesus, I got lost after the first sentence.

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

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PMs are now paged as well, so the queries are shorter/quicker grin.gif

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James said:

PMs are now paged as well, so the queries are shorter/quicker grin.gif


Good to hear!!!


Your right, any form software should be able to handle 100s online at once... I have my suscpisions as to what's at fault... And they're prolly the same as yours, James... ;-) But soon that won't be a problem...

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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well it must just b me that ctw is workin 4 propley!!!


my mums lap top is sooooo slow but 2day and 2 nite it has been goin a ickle bit faster!!!


but still slow!!!!

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  • CTW Admin

box has just been re-booted - lets hope its faster now shrug.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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seems to be!!!! yay.gifyay.gifbouncy.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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