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im shining babes, absolutely shining...that sweat pit i was in last night was like a sauna, my skin is glowing...hangover gone and feeling sweet int he nice warm breeze flowing in form my front door...niiice!


and yourself babes,..now im too old for u i guess uve bin adding a few more pre pubertals to coax and charm up...hehe..wots happenign ur end?


why does your mum always buy crap pop?!

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  • CTW Members

sounds like a masterplan if i ever heard one!!

i got pretty leathered last night, and i think i owe my whole night down to my mate surdey for covering ste's shift (my best mate) it wudnt have bin half as good a night if it wernt for that, and seeing their faces lit up...


got any holiday plans???


why does your mum always buy crap pop?!

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HOLIDAY! now theres an idea!! was gonna go away end of august but my sister decided thats when shes gettin married the selfish bitch so gotta go to her wedding!! my housemates away in greece at the moment workin all summer says hes having start of september just as a non work time b4 travelling back accross europe so i said i may go over see him out there and get up to some mischief!!

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hahaaaay! sounds good to me hun, so wen we going?

oh...um, just you is it?...sos..*sniffs*...*shufles off*


im goin WOMAD anyways, gonna see mr scruff yeh!

canny wait...gonna get a job in august i think,

but do i go to town to work, or locally? town offers more pay u c...


wot listening to right now? or dont u have music at work??

gettign my pictures back form the developers soon, yeh, always a nice surprise!!


why does your mum always buy crap pop?!

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you poor bastard!shudnt work at the job centre then! lazy fooker! get a real job! lol.gif


im listening dissolved girl - massive attack shag.gifshag.gifshag.gif


how is leeds these days? u going leeds fest? im not, THANK FOOK! HEHEH


where ur sis having the wedding?? church, stable, registery?

why does your mum always buy crap pop?!

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