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Anyone going to Global Gathering by train?

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Im taking the train from London if anyone is up

for that?

or maybe a meetup on the way or at Statford-Upon-Avon station?


Is it easy to get to this from Statford-Upon-Avon train station? think.gif

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Should be catching the train to Stratford Upon Avon... And it's then getting to the airfield...


I am, however, working on my dad to drop me over there. If he does, then I'll get him to detour via the train station and pick some people up, if anyone wants?

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

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To everyone goin by train, just to let you know that it takes forfuckingever to walk from the train station to marston airfield and in the heat it will kill you, i havent done it personally but my friends have and they said they would never do it again if they could avoid it!!


Lonnnng walk!!


Sorry smile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Dont fancy that walk at all Claire, put me right off now!

Yeah if anyone will give me a lift then I'll be most

happy with them.... rolleyes.gif

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You could ask if people gettin to stratford upon avon would give u a life from station to the airfield that way it doesnt matter that theyre not from near you... i see a lot of people who say they have space int he car but arent from the persons area, this way theyre gonna be in stratford anyway so wont be too much of a detour... worth thinkin about?! think.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Dad's said he'll take me... So I can get him to pass via the station...


We'll have three spare spaces....

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

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Last year they had shuttle buses running from the station to the air field, so you didn't have to walk. But they were not nice, especially on the way back. I'd definatly try and get a lift over if I was you. I'm driving so if anyone needs a lift let me know. Oh, but you cant be too big, I drive a mini. Wuhoo, lets have a mini adventure!

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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like the 1 after TDV?????


how many peeps in the poor ickle mini!!

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Urm there was five. That was an interesting drive home and I'm holding you lot resposinble for me losing my shades. I left them on the roof of the car when I picked you up in the car park. For some reason they weren't there still when I got home lol.gif


I think we should go for six people. Who votes for moo to go in the boot?

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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Well.....?Moo goes in the boot?Creamy is a cunting roaring homosexual!!!

(creamy, luv ya mwa.... moo)
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or how bout moo in the boot and me on the roof!!!!



and b4 u start moanin creamy eviltongue.gif ull win this 1 2!!!

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