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Things my girlfriend and I have argued about.

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I'm sure most men will have at one point in their lives, embarked upon the fruitless past time of arguing with your girlfriend. Here is a website I found which may remind you all of the delights of arguing with the special lady. thumbs.gif


Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About

Nothing keeps a relationship on its toes so much as lively debate. Fortunate, then, that my girlfriend and I agree on absolutely nothing. At all.


Combine utter, polar disagreement on everything, ever, with the fact that I am a text-book Only Child, and she is a violent psychopath, and we're warming up. Then factor in my being English while she is German, which not only makes each one of us personally and absolutely responsible for the history, and the social and cultural mores of our respective countries, but also opens up a whole field of sub-arguments grounded in grammatical and semantic disputes and, well, just try saying anything and walking away.


Examples? Okey-dokey. We have argued about:



I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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OK, I am all for a good arguement, but how do you have an arguement about your phone number


"It's 1121"

"No it isn't, it is 1211"

"OK, I'll dial it"


"You cheated and dialled 1211"

"No, I dialled 1121"

"OK, I'll dial it"


"Now you cheated"




'It's a curious statistical anomaly.'


Must remember that one


She wants to paint the living room yellow. I have not the words.



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i had a row with one of my ex's cos she accused me of stealing her bra confused.gif


it went on for about an hour b4 she called her mum (who did her washing for her[bloody students]) to discover it was there... silly fooking bint!!! lol

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Mod1 said:

i had a row with one of my ex's cos she accused me of stealing her bra confused.gif


it went on for about an hour b4 she called her mum (who did her washing for her[bloody students]) to discover it was there... silly fooking bint!!! lol


anything you wanna share with us Ian??? confused.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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I eat two-fingered Kit-Kats like I'd eat any other chocolate bars of that size, i.e., without feeling the need to snap them into two individual fingers first. Margret accused me of doing this, 'deliberately to annoy her'.


Hehe, I've heard this one before. laugh.gif


I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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