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4clubbers.net and gurn.net both have >>>


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A team in this years Creamfields 5 a side football competition.


Does Clubtheworld have one ? If not why not ?


I think this board pisses all over them and I'm sure that we could also put together a fine selection of footballing talent to put 4clubbers and gurn in the shade.


Graham (who'll gladly be team captain)

TO get your £5 concession passes for an 11 hour special at Turnmills, bank holiday (23rd August) - check out www.hitthedancefloor.co.uk

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I think Kev, Sarah or james are the people to talk to m8y.

Bookings contact Lisa @ Nukleuz on 02077207320


  • 5th @ Ingo's Studio
  • 13th @ Serge's Studio (Fevah)
  • 20th @ Frantic Vs. Wildchild, London
  • 24th @ Sessions, Leeds
  • 26th @ Incision, Leeds
  • 27th @ Addiction, Manc
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  • CTW Promotors
Graham said:

A team in this years Creamfields 5 a side football competition.


Does Clubtheworld have one ? If not why not ?


I think this board pisses all over them and I'm sure that we could also put together a fine selection of footballing talent to put 4clubbers and gurn in the shade.


Graham (who'll gladly be team captain)


We should have planned something like this. We NEED to try and get a team together for future though peeps so if you are up for future football events please add your names.


Scream, kiss my arse if you think I'm gonna get bruised through playing you. shag.gif

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

Graham said:

A team in this years Creamfields 5 a side football competition.


Does Clubtheworld have one ? If not why not ?


I think this board pisses all over them and I'm sure that we could also put together a fine selection of footballing talent to put 4clubbers and gurn in the shade.


Graham (who'll gladly be team captain)


We should have planned something like this. We NEED to try and get a team together for future though peeps so if you are up for future football events please add your names.


Scream, kiss my arse if you think I'm gonna get bruised through playing you. shag.gif


oh kev you know you want to!!!

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Is anyone going to Creamfields seeing as Wildchild is the day after?

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CreamyC said:

Tara said:

Is anyone going to Creamfields seeing as Wildchild is the day after?


Why should it matter ?


Coz many people may not want to do 2 nights out in a row especially as they are so far apart.

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Tara said:

CreamyC said:

Tara said:

Is anyone going to Creamfields seeing as Wildchild is the day after?


Why should it matter ?


Coz many people may not want to do 2 nights out in a row especially as they are so far apart.


But many people wont want to go to Wildchild.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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So there are 2 major events which are around the same time as Creamfields, this suggests that there won't be many ctw'ers at Creamfields, proving my point so there! flipa.gif

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Tara said:

So there are 2 major events which are around the same time as Creamfields, this suggests that there won't be many ctw'ers at Creamfields, proving my point so there! flipa.gif


But its still an event freak, you aint my sister no more, piss off you orphan, are you going to the CTW meet up in August then ?

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Creamy, if I lose my brother it doesn't make me an orphan! Its only when you lose your parents you become an orphan, hahaha! banghead.giflaugh.gif

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