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James - Online Mixes

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  • CTW Admin

This is being thought about but its not easy as you need to pay large amounts to get a license to do this frown.gif


Will keep you posted.

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James said:

This is being thought about but its not easy as you need to pay large amounts to get a license to do this frown.gif


Will keep you posted.


James u can get streaming for about £3.88 per stream per month, and it can be whatever size u like =)


This will only be one person streaming @ anytime tho. And i agree it will be expensive! We've just put a stream on the new Stamfordsnatchshots website.


Ask how Gurn.net do theirs, they got loads.

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  • CTW Promotors

Quite a few djs have been asking me about getting mixes online - would be a top idea

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  • CTW Admin

as I say its not so much the functionality which is a problem - its the licencing.


As soon as the mixes are online anyone is able to access them - not just promotors - and so you have to start paying for a license to be able to put up tunes which you have not made yourself.


We will do it at some point - I will have a look at how other sites are achieving this.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Members

Streaming isn't the prob... "Ve have ze technologie..."


But as James has pointed out, it's the licensing of....

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We just put a stream on our local website.


Well the new build... Its £3.88 a month for a single stream, of which there is no limit ie. a 7mb file or a 70mb file, but only 1 person can stream @ a time!


Surely for example Shitby says u can put his mix up...... Thats his own doing etc and theres no need for a license??

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  • CTW DJs

imo the best person to speek to would be chloe amber as her site (recently shut down due to uni commitments) were implimenting such a facilety as internet radio (which is a cheeper licence than downloadable sets due to copywrite laws)

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW DJs
Mr_Moo said:


Surely for example Shitby says u can put his mix up...... Thats his own doing etc and theres no need for a license??


only if every tune is his own productions

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW DJs
Mr_Moo said:

Surely for example Shitby says u can put his mix up...... Thats his own doing etc and theres no need for a license??

Mr Happy is right. A DJ doesn't own his mixes! After all, we're only playing other people's tunes.

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Mr_Happy said:

only if every tune is his own productions


OICCCCC i didnt think of that!!!


explain this to me then plz...




Main screen.


Your tellin me they got copyrigth for EVERY tune?

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  • CTW DJs

nope - they've either got broaudcasting rights (like a radio licence) or thier playing the music illigally


i'm hopeing its not the latter




u have to bare in mind moo that when people like myself put thier mixes online to downlaod, or to stream live mixes. or even when 99% of the ctw DJs send out demo's, we are all technically breaking the law. its just the cost in shutting down all the sources would be greater than the bennefit. but sites such as ctw/gurn/4clubbers/banging tunes etc cant afford to take that risk

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW DJs
Mr_Moo said:

Your tellin me they got copyrigth for EVERY tune?



I don't know how it works for internet radio, but I know that nightclubs are supposed to pay a licence fee for playing music publicly. I'm guessing the fee is proportional to the capacity of the club. The PRS (Performing Rights Society, I think) distribute this money among dance music artists, depending on the genre of music played at that club.


How do they know which artists to pay? Well in an ideal world, they would know exactly which tunes had been played on which night. In practice, the payouts are based on charts for each genre, presumably based on DJ chart returns.


So for example, if a club plays hard house, the money will be divided out amongst artists in proportion to their position in some definitive "hard house chart". So whoever is at number 1 will get the most money from hard house clubs, and so on.


I believe that's how it works, don't quote me on it though! smile.gif


I'm guessing internet radio works in the same way...? Presumably you pay a fixed licence, say what style of music you're playing, and the PRS work out who to pay.

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