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WiLDCHiLD or Tidyssential? (24th August 2003)


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Polysexual has had sum fuckin excellent reports, it was held @ Code in Brum aye.


Im in 2 minds whether to go SSN or Wildchild.


London will be FAR EASIER travelling and moneys etc and i do enjoy trance, and i had a fab night b4, plus Heaven is a class venue!!!


But SSN is also a great venue and i would have to say the best nights ive had!!!




Ill let the people decide where i go. Meaning, depending on who goes where will decide where i go.

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Mr_Moo said:

Polysexual has had sum fuckin excellent reports, it was held @ Code in Brum aye.


Im in 2 minds whether to go SSN or Wildchild.


London will be FAR EASIER travelling and moneys etc and i do enjoy trance, and i had a fab night b4, plus Heaven is a class venue!!!


But SSN is also a great venue and i would have to say the best nights ive had!!!




Ill let the people decide where i go. Meaning, depending on who goes where will decide where i go.



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SarahPvc said:

miss_diddy said:

The Nu energy Collective & group 185 are far better than Lab4 hon anyways..... bouncy.gif


crikey if you had seen Lab4 on sat at Sundissential you wouldnt say that - they were amazing!


they were exactly the same as every other time u've seen em. just the drink was better this time round

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
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majikman said:

SarahPvc said:

SunnyD for me also! I cant get down to Wildchild after Creamfields then back up to fly out to Ibiza in time so makes more sense to go to SunnyD


Hard life! laugh.gif


Init!! laugh.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Mr_Happy said:

SarahPvc said:

miss_diddy said:

The Nu energy Collective & group 185 are far better than Lab4 hon anyways..... bouncy.gif


crikey if you had seen Lab4 on sat at Sundissential you wouldnt say that - they were amazing!


they were exactly the same as every other time u've seen em. just the drink was better this time round


Id only had a couple of bottle of Bud! laugh.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Well, I've just been told that Tidysential is from 2pm til midnight and Wild Child is from 8pm to 8am.


Why cant you go to Tidy at 2pm til about 9:30...then get the train to wild child and get there for about 12:30 / 1am-ish.


Thats if any of you are up for it or are hardcore enough.

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  • CTW DJs
Mr_Ginge said:

Well, I've just been told that Tidysential is from 2pm til midnight and Wild Child is from 8pm to 8am.


Why cant you go to Tidy at 2pm til about 9:30...then get the train to wild child and get there for about 12:30 / 1am-ish.


Thats if any of you are up for it or are hardcore enough.


dont do that!


i did that in may (well ss north then garlands) and belive me, its better to pace urself in 1 club than do 2 clubs but feel like ur rushing around everywhere

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to WiLDCHiLD or Tidyssential? (24th August 2003)

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