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[ News ] - Member DJs to play on behalf of CTW ...

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  • CTW Admin

As you know there has been some confusion recently over who is a CTW DJ, who isn't and what the exact definition of one is.


Its crucial we dont try to play too many of our member DJs on behalf of the site at the moment as there really are far too many to be able to keep everyone happy. If we try to play out say 100 no one will really get anywhere and due to the minimal amount of sets we get asked to play DJs would be looking at stupidly long breaks between set dates.


Please note that this is still all very much up in the air and we're still trying to work out the best ways of backing ALL the member DJs on here in some shape or form. For example, any member DJ has the right to have a profile put up on the site.


The current list of member DJs who we feel are good choices for us to use for playing on behalf of CTW at the sets we get asked for are as follows ...


Tony P

LittleMissLoud (Alison)

Carl Nicholson

Phil B

Mod1 (Ian)

Andy Whitby


The above members will be specifically used as our 'showcase DJs' and are individuals who we feel rest of the members here would want to back on an on-going basis due to their involvements in the site.


It is our intention that the above members will play on a strictly rotational basis - but taking their main genres into account. Right now we feel a voting mechanism could be unfair but we are still looking into other ideas.


Please note that DJs such as Mod1 & Ikon play genres which we're not currently requested to play sets for but its important to list them now as we most definitely intend on getting these kinds of sets in the future.


Of course this is no way means that other member DJs cant play for other nights which other companies post on here and longer term it doesnt mean that we cant add more to the list but to keep things fair and clear we need to stick to a select few, at least for the short-medium term until we've grown bigger and we're asked to do many more sets on a much more regular basis.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW DJs

wow.. thanks a lot james.. its much appreiciated to know ive got support... thanx.gif


perfectly timed for my internet being cut off (LMAO!) rotfl.gif


gonna try and sort the bill out soon... if you been wondering where ive been...now you know cry.gif

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  • CTW Promotors
Mod1 said:

wow.. thanks a lot james.. its much appreiciated to know ive got support... thanx.gif


perfectly timed for my internet being cut off (LMAO!) rotfl.gif


gonna try and sort the bill out soon... if you been wondering where ive been...now you know cry.gif


Mixing is still ropey mate.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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James said:

As you know there has been some confusion recently over who is a CTW DJ, who isn't and what the exact definition of one is.


Its crucial we dont try to play too many of our member DJs on behalf of the site at the moment as there really are far too many to be able to keep everyone happy. If we try to play out say 100 no one will really get anywhere and due to the minimal amount of sets we get asked to play DJs would be looking at stupidly long breaks between set dates.


Please note that this is still all very much up in the air and we're still trying to work out the best ways of backing ALL the member DJs on here in some shape or form. For example, any member DJ has the right to have a profile put up on the site.


The current list of member DJs who we feel are good choices for us to use for playing on behalf of CTW at the sets we get asked for are as follows ...


Tony P

LittleMissLoud (Alison)

Carl Nicholson

Phil B

Mod1 (Ian)

Andy Whitby


The above members will be specifically used as our 'showcase DJs' and are individuals who we feel rest of the members here would want to back on an on-going basis due to their involvements in the site.


It is our intention that the above members will play on a strictly rotational basis - but taking their main genres into account. Right now we feel a voting mechanism could be unfair but we are still looking into other ideas.


Please note that DJs such as Mod1 & Ikon play genres which we're not currently requested to play sets for but its important to list them now as we most definitely intend on getting these kinds of sets in the future.


Of course this is no way means that other member DJs cant play for other nights which other companies post on here and longer term it doesnt mean that we cant add more to the list but to keep things fair and clear we need to stick to a select few, at least for the short-medium term until we've grown bigger and we're asked to do many more sets on a much more regular basis.



Its gonna be a godamn pleasure folks! spliff.gif
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  • CTW DJs
CreamyC said:

Mod1 said:

wow.. thanks a lot james.. its much appreiciated to know ive got support... thanx.gif


perfectly timed for my internet being cut off (LMAO!) rotfl.gif


gonna try and sort the bill out soon... if you been wondering where ive been...now you know cry.gif


Mixing is still ropey mate.


i only gave you my crap cds...hehe

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  • CTW DJs

on a serious note.. as a ctw dj.. i think i would need to be on here a lot more often than recent personal events are gonna allow...


i had some real bad news yesterday that means my going out much and paying for internet is gonna be near on impossible...


im gonna try and get on to post as often as i can cos i enjoy being on ctw... but a large cash crisis has sort of [censored] on any plans i have of being an active member for a while...


hope to see you all soon tho!!

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  • CTW DJs



I find it an honour and an inspiration to be reconised as one of the djs listed, thank u very much! thanx.gif


Andy smash.gif

Bookings contact Lisa @ Nukleuz on 02077207320


  • 5th @ Ingo's Studio
  • 13th @ Serge's Studio (Fevah)
  • 20th @ Frantic Vs. Wildchild, London
  • 24th @ Sessions, Leeds
  • 26th @ Incision, Leeds
  • 27th @ Addiction, Manc
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