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[ News ] - Member DJs to play on behalf of CTW ...

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  • CTW DJs
LittleMissLoud said:




I find it an honour and an inspiration to be reconised as one of the djs listed, thank u very much! thanx.gif


Andy smash.gif


CHEESE! We luuuurve you Jerry!!


Christ, got it in for me 2nite havn't u Ali.

Bookings contact Lisa @ Nukleuz on 02077207320


  • 5th @ Ingo's Studio
  • 13th @ Serge's Studio (Fevah)
  • 20th @ Frantic Vs. Wildchild, London
  • 24th @ Sessions, Leeds
  • 26th @ Incision, Leeds
  • 27th @ Addiction, Manc
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LittleMissLoud said:




I find it an honour and an inspiration to be reconised as one of the djs listed, thank u very much! thanx.gif


Andy smash.gif


CHEESE! We luuuurve you Jerry!!


Christ, got it in for me 2nite havn't u Ali.


Shes in one of those moods tonight.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Promotors

on the blob??????????

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW DJs

The current list of member DJs who we feel are good choices for us to use for playing on behalf of CTW at the sets we get asked for are as follows ...



Tony P

LittleMissLoud (Alison)

Carl Nicholson

Phil B

Mod1 (Ian)

Andy Whitby


isnt liam styles ment to be a CTW dj confused.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW Admin

Currently we've got a cut-off point of since when Andy Whitby joined.


Liam and others such as Majikman could be added in the future but it all depends on how things go with this 6 first and whether its even worth doing at all. We're really just talking about sets which either people approach us for or sets/nights CTW find for the 6. How many of these sets we get is un-known but it depends on how much work we want to put into finding them. I personally dont have time to promote and find sets for people, nor do I particularly want to - i dont know anything about the scene. If we can get enough people involved who can though this will make things possible for these 6 and possibly more in the future.


After having a long think at the weekend, and listening to a few more concerns from people (and how things look to them), I've realised we really need to get back into turning this site into a "Members Site" and put our efforts into what we do best - building the community. The DJ side was kind of a bonus to have but if i've got to personally get involved in it more with the effect of neglating the members/community side then i'm afraid i'd rather not do it at all.


Bukey and I have got tons of ideas to turn this site around and to make it stand out as being different and to finally put in place many of the things i've talked about for months, plus many more new ideas from Bukey on top. All this takes a serious amount of planning & design to do it properly and I personally dont want to put DJs above this work which will deffo be appreciated by ALL members, not just DJs.


We're deffo not stopping anyone coming on here and putting up a post requesting DJs however.


In terms of people playing for the site / as a 'CTW DJ' - these will be members who joined the community to make new clubbing friends - not people who joined soley to promote their DJ career. The 6 above (and others) are clearly 'real members'. We cant promise to find these 6 lots of sets but if they come our way it will go to them as a priority. I'm not saying that we just expect people to approach us, but until we have got some other things sorted/agreed we havent got many other options. If none of us did full time jobs i'm sure we could do a lot more however.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Mr_Happy said:

isnt liam styles ment to be a CTW dj confused.gif


I am happy with the way things are.


I did not join this site to promote my DJing, I am pretty busy here as it is. At the minute if i was a CTW DJ, there could be instances where a gig was put my way and i would not be able to attend due to my commitments here in this country. So it would kind of defeat the purpose of it really, especially when there could be another DJ who could take the bookings.

I wont rule it out for the future though (If CTW are successful in gaining more gigs, and at more varied nights) James and I have spoke about this, and are both happy with the way it is at present. I will continue to work for CTW through other channels, and who knows what the future will bring for us all.

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  • CTW DJs
James said:

In terms of people playing for the site / as a 'CTW DJ' - these will be members who joined the community to make new clubbing friends - not people who joined soley to promote their DJ career.


This is very true and I wouldn't expect the site to have its main concern pushing us as DJs. DJ careers are what the DJs make of it, any help along the way from people and connections made always help the cause. I appreciate the fact I can link my DJing into clubtheworld and my next cd release will hopefully reflect some of the way I intend to help push the clubtheworld name!


As I have said before being a member of this site has given me alot in the way of friends and feedback and I look forward to giving even more now to help the site grow thumbs.gif

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • CTW DJs

What does it take to be a CTW DJ?

(To be devil's advocate) is it to do with

(1) who you know, or

(2) how good you are?

Is CTW about pushing new talent or promoting a small "in-crowd"? In other words, what do you mean by "a CTW DJ"?


(P.S. I do realise there are other factors than "how good you are", e.g. obviously I consider myself a good DJ, but to be fair my style of music isn't super-mainstream, e.g. hard house! Also I realise there are other factors, e.g. how big a profile you have, but of course this the classic "vicious circle" problem! I.e. "it's hard to get gigs because I've only had a few gigs before!")

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That is a fair point to ask why these people have been chosen over other DJ's (and i do not mean me!) people like Chris Hutchinson etc who have never pushed for a gig, post on here a lot, NEVER insults another member for getting a gig and is always the first to congratulate someone, so what about him????

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Who were the Dj's chosen by?? would it have been fairer to do a vote of all the Dj's that wanted to enter, and the most popular six were the official CTW Dj's chosen by CTW?? just playing devils advocate as above confused.gif

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  • CTW Promotors
gilly said:

Who were the Dj's chosen by?? would it have been fairer to do a vote of all the Dj's that wanted to enter, and the most popular six were the official CTW Dj's chosen by CTW?? just playing devils advocate as above confused.gif


gilly it is not about who is most popular it is about site dedication & IMO Chris Hutchinson, is well on his way of earning the status of CTW DJ, so having to mention his name in every post, IMO is not doing him any favours SORRY!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

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