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Well he told me that its a night job, where he waits on street corners for male punters or something, dont exactly know what he meant by 'male punters' and then saying something about the job being a load of arse, it was a bad line on the phone at the time!

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Bushy said:

Well he told me that its a night job, where he waits on street corners for male punters or something, dont exactly know what he meant by 'male punters' and then saying something about the job being a load of arse, it was a bad line on the phone at the time!


LMFAO rotfl.gifthumbs.gif

JTL(jack wood)
mob:07742 585352

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What bushy said!!!


I know its database entry etc etc.


But i just got call from agency thing morning while i was in bed to ring them... sooooooo might have sumin else b4 that contract starts!

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