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Whether to laugh or cry?


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CreamyC said:

or Mr Happy, look at the way anonymously has been spelt. Tool.


dont u have ne thing better to do with ur time kev? u of all people know i dont do anom posts

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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colin66 said:

u of all people know i dont do anom posts


how would he know? if you post anon - then you remain anon. think.gif


Point. Mr Happy once again posts without putting brain into gear first.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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dani_babyboo said:

jon_m said:

dani_babyboo said:

Fish said:

I hate to be harsh but everybody struggles with money and working on the side is a bit off in my book, at the end of the day we are paying for you dole money and then you are earning extra cash.


I appreciate that times are hard, but you can't complain getting benefits for nothing and then trying to scam the system !


im sorry but the term to say that u are payin dole money is crap

get a job then!! problem solved disappointed.gif


jon it says why i dont have a job cos the childcare is unreliable and unsafe these days and im a single mum and really my son needs me around not some stranger i want to see all his mile stones as they happen!!!!


If there was a system that operated in your favour, then where would the insentive for other people to work, when they could happily live on welfare. It would also be open to abuse by people who would just need to have children to enjoy a jobless life.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Sophie said:

i need to earn some cash in hand if any one can help me!?!!1



Try standing on street corners saying "Any business love??"

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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sorry but having a child is not something you do so u can sit on benefits for the rest of your life, they are expensive and benefits just do not pay enough for you to be able to stay on them, also they can now force u back to work once your child is in full time education. but the point is, it can also be hard to go back to work once u have a child mainly cos of the point dani raised in saying that childcare is sometimes unreliable and also kids tend to learn the most during the first five years of their life and its hard to not be there for that, i went back to work when mine was 2 months old and i hated every minute of it, in the end i had to give up my job because of depression and lots of other things, and i've been looking for work since january and haven't had any look because i have a kid, but thats not the point, the main reason benefits don't opay enough is because of the fact that too many ppl claim benefit and work on the side as well, and no i'm not having a go at anyone who works on the side as i know quite a few ppl who do it, but if more of the lazy buggers that stay on benfit cos they can't be bothered to work gotoff their backside and worked for a living then benefits would be a lot better for those of us who have no choice but to be on benefits.

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thats a hard one to laugh off! I've been on both sides of the fence and have good mates who doss, work for little and work for a lot. benefits are enough to survive on, but not enough to live on - and very difficult to get when you need em. if you've got young dependants and you're on your own its hard to get work even tho you might want to simply for the sake of sanity and using your brain!!


as for ya job, you'll just have to accept u can't be off the books, or get a different job. its a bummer to be caught out, but you're losing a bonus that you never really should have had rather than something you didn't have at all...


i wish the system worked better for topping up your money - i'd be happier paying a bit more tax for a more even playing field!

cyber on the inside

desperately trying to fit in on the outside

hair by tony and guy

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