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fri funny!! Mexicans


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Two Mexicans have been lost in the desert and are

knocking at death's door.

As they stumble on, hoping for salvation in the

form of an oasis or such like, they suddenly spy

a tree in the distance through the heat haze.


As they get closer, they can see that the tree is

draped with rasher upon rasher of bacon. There's

smoked bacon, crispy bacon, life-giving juicy

nearly raw bacon, all sorts.


"Hey, Pepe" says the first hombre (Don Pedro).

"Ees a bacon tree!!!We're saved!!!"


"You're right, amigo!" says Pepe.


So Pepe goes on ahead and runs up to the tree,

salivating at the prospect of food. But as he

gets to within five feet of his Babylon, there's

the crack of machine gun fire, and he is shot

down in a hail of bullets.


His friend quickly drops down on the sand, and

calls across to the dying Pepe. "Pepe!! Pepe!!

Que pasa hombre?"


With his dying breath Pepe calls out...


"Ugh, run, amigo, run!! Ees not a Bacon Tree....

Ees a Ham Bush"

Techno, Techno, Techno

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