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[ Suggestions ] - How can we tempt more overseas clubbers to join CTW ?

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How can we tempt more overseas clubbers to join CTW ?


This question directed to all members - UK and overseas. Basically, short of some or all of us taking a huge loan out and travelling the world for a year meeting new clubbers in clubs abroad, how can we expand our membership to overseas ?


Perhaps its not really possible / wont really work, but I dont see why not and I would personally love to have more contacts abroad - even to the point where we each have trusted relationships to exchange accom / club information etc. Just thinking longer term and what some of the initial visions were. Obviously we cant run until we can walk properly, and we're all still learning, but there is no difference in terms of the web whether someone is UK or non-UK and as with genres we dont want to have any specifics set long term.


One issue I personally see is that due to the swearing and some of the humor / banter I can see we could put off / do put off some of our overseas prospects. Can you think of any other issues/suggestions ?

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organise a fuckin trip to the love parade *grumble* grumpy.gifcry.giftongue.gificon_yippee.gif

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As i stated to you before James, the main reason we still dont have many Irish members is due to the lack of content which would cater / interest them (we are now slowly changing this). Now im pretty sure this will be the same for any overseas countries. Most people will have a quick look round and decide whether or not they like it within a short space of time. For your average overseas person who isnt really going to travel to other countries much, it may seem pointless as this sites manifesto is all about meet ups and a community, maybe they wouldnt feel apart of that so to speak.

Another issue, which has been raised many times is the whole "too much hard house". I do think if you wish to expand and cater for new potential members (overseas and local) this needs to change.


But as im sure you are thinking as you read this, "how can we have content on other areas if we have no members from these places?" and ditto for music genres.


Bit of a catch 22 really

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yeah some good points Liam, deffo need to get content up which would interest them as you are right its first impressions which are important. Which is I guess related the point Alasdair makes a lot about us (me included) thinking "well if they dont like us then they arent the sort of people we want are they" - bit of a copout!


I guess I dreamt up this question this afternoon (again) because I was thinking it doesnt matter who goes to a meet or where the meet is - therefore whats to stop a group of people joining up in say Florida and arranging to meet. The fact is the groups wont form until someone like Kev or myself physically go over, talk to people, promote the site to them, get photos of them and their friends - do this repeatedly over a number of weeks (like we did with liverpool and brighton to some extent) and then slowly but surely the people with CTW cards take a look and join up etc...


its a long way off but i think its possible one day, and i'm certainly wanting to get into more clubbing abroad and seeking something different to the mainstream over here.


Stuff like Burning Man really interests me too smile.gif

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something to consider, perhaps...


seems to be two kinds of HH ppl out there:


1) people who are dying to hear tidy/HH, but because tidy never do outside-UK gigs, they don't

2) people who have never heard of tidy and don't really want to - because there are a rude selection of 'other' types of music out there, UK hard house is only one single style. German techno different from UK techno, etc. u'd probly hear tunes in australia no-ones heard here yet

Edited by Phil_raa
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Yep, seems that is always the case. It will take you guys to go to all these places initially.

Who knows what will happen over the couple of years though, but I would be very keen to get away with you guys if it ever comes about. Things like the burning man are something i feel i have to experience (along with the love parade, ID&T, etc etc) while I am still young.

I have been thinking hell of a lot lately and I really dont want to see myself stuck in this country all the time in a few years. So would jump at the chance to go away with some like minded people and promote the site.

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luu_luu said:

drop flyers out of the airplane on your way to ibiza!!!!! scratchchin.gif




to be fair james, i dont think u can make people stop swearing and havin banter... yeah u can censor words but we already spoke about there bein no point in doin this!!



And as for the site bein too HH yeah i guess it could be seen as that BUT thats how the members make it, you cant physically make people like a different type of music!! shrug.gif

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welll when i move bak to israel, i can get some people to join there. i know some hh dj's, i have mentioned it to them on msn, but if i showed them site properly they may like it

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just a few thoughts off the top of my head...


Idea 1: Might need some diplomacy/ thinking through the details... but you could get in contact with other clubbing websites from different countries... as they might be think the same thing... a pretty simple deal might be to have mutual adverts on each others websites... might need to check out the site, but could lead to a pretty good Win-Win situation... how about 'CTW twinned with BlueLight San Fransisco' ? smile.gif


Idea 2: More simple might be to just put something like "non-Uk clubbers click here" prominantly (sp?) on the home page... which would lead to a page explaining what you said above... i.e. CTW wanting to expand internationally, and by getting involved they'll get a whole load of UK/ international clubbing mates... forums are pretty difficult places to get used to in a first language, so it might help from that angle... plus it would hopefully make any internationals visiting the site that extra bit welcomed...


Idea 3: i guess apart from that all I can think of is to just continung to spread the word... e.g. when you guys are out in ibiza this year... make sure you get some of the CTW cards out to our European/ US brothers and sisters (actually was well surprised how many americans were out there) as well as Brits. But i guess this is the plan anyway...




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Andrew said:

how about 'CTW twinned with BlueLight San Fransisco'?


bluelight is based in the netherlands smile.gif


i'll have a think about this and see if i can come up with some suggestions. but not right now wink.gif



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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GINGER IDEA 1...Why not film an advert that could be broadcast overseas?


GINGER IDEA 2...Make a magazine article about the site and send it to a few foreign clubbing magazine sites in hope that they will print it.


GNGER IDEA 3...try and make an internet pop-up advert thingy that keeps popping up on peoples screens when they look at porn sites seeing as people all over the world look at porn it would probably be the best idea.

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Mr_Ginge said:

GINGER IDEA 2...Make a magazine article about the site and send it to a few foreign clubbing magazine sites in hope that they will print it.


i like this one... i have a feeling that magazine articles in the UK might lead to an unsustainable short-term growth in the site and in the long-term might be a bit damaging to the site's culture (haven't got much evidence to base this on, just a hunch)... but coverage in an overseas mag sounds v positive (if it's possible to get).


Idea 3 also has it's own unique beauty to smile.gif



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