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QUALITY !!!!!!!!


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Someone put this up on the board already apparently and I cant be arsed to find who, FredTheBaddie reminded me because I missed it and this is the absolute bollox, whoever wrote this should be given a fuckng medal. This should be admired.


QUALITY Sundissential review.




MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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she is definately attempting the tidy twat dance tho, look at those arms!!! flap away!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors
Crill said:

I've just finished reading the emails and the last one is signed by Kev. Know anything about this Creamy. It sounds like something you would write.


Hang on, let me read this .....

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Hate mail..



1) mobile phones


not all mobile phones, but ones owned by c*nts. i am sure they think to

themselves 'what would be the most annoying ringtone that i could possibly

have on this phone, that will irritate every single person who hears it' and

then put it on there.


even worse when the ringtune is a popular musical pop tune. the people who

have them think it says 'i love this band so much that i even have a tune as

a ringtone. i am a dedicated fan' whereas in actual fact it says 'i am a

vacuous tw*t. please run me over and leave me physically handicapped so i

can no longer use this phone'


sadly, some of the tunes sound better piped through the mobile phones tinny

little speaker than they ever did in real life. many trance tunes, as an

example. I bet all the johnny no-stars who dress up like cunts to go

clubbing have ring tones like this.


2) everything


face it: everything is [censored] and deserves to be hated by everyone. working is

[censored]. living is [censored]. dying is undoubtably sh*t. things that you do to make

your life less sh*t, are in fact sh*t. even things that seem good at first,

are in actual fact, sh*t, its just the fact that its new and you haven't

done it that makes it not seem sh*t. once you have done it for a while, you

realise that it is, in spite of all the promises, sh*t.


examples of this: dr*gs: seem ace for a while, but after a few years, you

realise that once you've seen one fractal you've seen them all. you just

forget this when you are on them. SH*T. clubbing: seems ace, loads of

friendly people etc, then you realise that your only going so you can do

dr*gs (which are sh*t) and you are surrounded by clowns who are only worthy

of being spat on by yourself. therefore: SH*T.


even hate is sh*t. when i first discovered it, it was amazing, i could rant

and rave and pour scorn on everyone and everything. but i am now stuck in a

mindless cycle of vitriol and loathing. which has its good points, but then

people come to expect it, like i'm some kind of performing hate-monkey, and

you have to aim it at things that you dont even hate just to get the same



3) this email


it wont send a mail with swearing in it, so i have had to re-edit it, which

is a pain in the backside. plus looking back at it to put stars in the swear

words, i realise how [censored] gay and bitter it makes me sound, if emails

were people, they would be the kids who liked being abused by their parents.


4) steve penk on tv's naughtiest blunders


'ooh, someone said a rude word on the television cos he did something wrong'


how very very naughty. i long for something good to happen, like someone

accidentally bludgeoning a minor celeb to death with a claw hammer, or someone

on a 'worthy' program about invalids calling them retards or something, but

no, its just someone saying 'sh*t' when they get their words wrong. on a

sliding scale of 'naughtiness' its right down there with peeing in a

swimming pool.





hahah was it you kev?

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