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we need a spam forum

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alasdairm said:

Scouse said:

I think if you dont want to read a event suggestion then dont


i've said in the past and i still believe it - i think that a response like this is just not grounded in the real world.


often, for a variety of reasons, the only way to know that you didn't want to read something online is to open the thread and read the first message(s). catch 22?


that's why some degree of organisation and moderation is required. why? because you can tell people 1000 times to please follow a certain rule but, sadly, some people don't listen.. their personal agenda is obviously more important that others'.


the logical extension of this argument is one forum with one big list of everything: random bollox; events; photo links; "smut"; serious stuff; etc.


hey - just don't read any threads you don't like...


surely some small degree of organisation and moderation is necessary and agreeable?





Gareth your correct mate, people are not forced to read anything they dont want to, despite all the crap written above.


I agree people who dont ever post on CTW should be deleted but Gareth for instance has given discouted entrance to CTW peeps before after we had sorted it out as i am sure he will again.


how many of u knew that though??


befroe we started deleting [censored] gung ho we need to think as long as the posts are in events suggestions who gives a [censored]??


the problem is when they clog the rest of the board up

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just because you disagree with something doesn't make it crap (despite all the crap written above) smile.gif



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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miss_diddy said:

It is after all an events sect!! What would you suggest be put in their instead??????????????? confused.gif


you misunderstand (or i didn't my point clearly enough)...


some people's resposne to any board issue is "if you don't want to read it, then don't read it". well, taken to it's logical conclusion, why not have one huge forum where all messages go no matter what they're about?


my message was just a comment on the concept of moving in that direction...



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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So could you not have an events forum where there is actually a member going/asking about it - ie a meet up with be it 1 or 100 people "CTW Members Clubbing Meet Ups"


And then not so much a spam forum but just a normal "Forthcoming Events" forum which would have all the events from people who wana post about their events or just as a suggestion to others even if theyre not looking to go/meet up themselves.


Make sense? confused.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
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MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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does the forum software support the idea of approved/non-approved posts? perhaps that's the orderly solution...



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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miss_diddy said:

Ok they may not post on a regular basis, but as pointed out in this thread earlier, to say they are not true members for this reason, or that is IMO cliquey!!

but they're NOT true members of the web site. explain to me how a promoter who comes on once a month/week to promote their club night is a true member on here? they make nae effort to get into the chat, and they don't bother to meet people in real life either, unless you're gonna line their pockets and fill their venue. i'm trying to say there's a difference between a member and a registered user, and you've got to draw the line somewhere. surely you can see that?


Claire DC said:

So could you not have an events forum where there is actually a member going/asking about it - ie a meet up with be it 1 or 100 people "CTW Members Clubbing Meet Ups"


And then not so much a spam forum but just a normal "Forthcoming Events" forum which would have all the events from people who wana post about their events or just as a suggestion to others even if theyre not looking to go/meet up themselves.


Make sense? confused.gif

yes yes yes yes yes!!!! precisely!!!! suggestions for events that come from members themselves - people you chat to, people you know, people you go out with - would go in meet-ups! but not stuff from promoters. that'd be separate. then maybe if someone was interested in going to something they'd seen, then they'd start a new thread in meet-ups linking to the spam thread. make this meet-ups forum moderated for new threads.


but you'd also need somewhere else for the occasional bit of music-related spam that comes in. like when someone comes on promoting the latest nukleuz cd or is a DJ who wants gigs and can't be arsed to find promoters to send his demo to....

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TomD said:

but they're NOT true members of the web site. explain to me how a promoter who comes on once a month/week to promote their club night is a true member on here? they make nae effort to get into the chat, and they don't bother to meet people in real life either...


hi there tom


by those criteria, i'm not a true member of CTW either frown.gif


i understand what you're saying, i'm just trying to point out that it's hard to define the terms here.


that said, after a welcome like this: http://community.clubtheworld.uk/showfl...rt=1#Post331424


why the [censored] would any new members want to stick around, really?





"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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Jay said:

as long as the posts are in events suggestions who gives a [censored]??

I'm with TomD & Alasdair on this one ("despite the crap above"). Jay, obviously people do give a [censored], even if you don't!


I think the distinction between "true members" and "spammers" is not purely about how often you post or whether you go to the meetups; rather it's about ulterior motives.

I.e. I'd rather read about nights that CTW people are going to, recommended by people who do not have a financial motive!


"We're all going to club X; we went last month and it was wicked; DJ x is playing and he rules..."


"Come to my night. It's really good, honest. (Oh and by the way, I get a load of dosh if the night goes well.)"


I know what I'd rather read. There are plenty of comprehensive club listings sites on the web if that's what you want. shrug.gif

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alasdairm said:

by those criteria, i'm not a true member of CTW either frown.gif

not at all! you post in the serious forums, you post in random, you come on here regularly, regardless of the fact that you can't make (most of!) the events. IMHO, that still makes you a member. i agree though, it's hard to define. bit like that DJ issue (we've been here before).


that said, after a welcome like [see above]: why the [censored] would any new members want to stick around, really?

LOL, that guy deserved it. "hi guys how are you? no actually - what i really meant to say was - do you know anyone who can give me DJing work, cos i can't be arsed to get off my bum and send some CDs out? thanx!" put simply, i don't take no [censored]. thumbs.gif


'mon the spam forum.


CTW is brilliant; everyone gets on well with each other, people go to the meet-ups, some of us even go to the effort to trek hundreds of miles (*ahem*). what i dislike is people taking advantage of that, and then when someone takes offence at it, the money-seekers claiming that CTW is cliquey and unfriendly. no, we're not - some of just don't like the community spirit being taken advantage of. and as i see more and more of these "adverts in disguise" by fake members - "hey! has anyone been to [club]? i've heard it's great! the next one is on [date]" - the more i'm enraged by it.

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I understand what your saying Tom ... bit like the post from luke ? that's just gone up in random


One forum for the spam then if any member is attending or wanting feed back of the night/event they can start their own post on it.


Have I got the gist?


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TomD said:

miss_diddy said:

Ok they may not post on a regular basis, but as pointed out in this thread earlier, to say they are not true members for this reason, or that is IMO cliquey!!

but they're NOT true members of the web site. explain to me how a promoter who comes on once a month/week to promote their club night is a true member on here? they make nae effort to get into the chat, and they don't bother to meet people in real life either, unless you're gonna line their pockets and fill their venue. i'm trying to say there's a difference between a member and a registered user, and you've got to draw the line somewhere. surely you can see that?


Claire DC said:

So could you not have an events forum where there is actually a member going/asking about it - ie a meet up with be it 1 or 100 people "CTW Members Clubbing Meet Ups"


And then not so much a spam forum but just a normal "Forthcoming Events" forum which would have all the events from people who wana post about their events or just as a suggestion to others even if theyre not looking to go/meet up themselves.


Make sense? confused.gif

yes yes yes yes yes!!!! precisely!!!! suggestions for events that come from members themselves - people you chat to, people you know, people you go out with - would go in meet-ups! but not stuff from promoters. that'd be separate. then maybe if someone was interested in going to something they'd seen, then they'd start a new thread in meet-ups linking to the spam thread. make this meet-ups forum moderated for new threads.


but you'd also need somewhere else for the occasional bit of music-related spam that comes in. like when someone comes on promoting the latest nukleuz cd or is a DJ who wants gigs and can't be arsed to find promoters to send his demo to....


I think you should get your facts right before blabbing your mouth ,as i am a promoter who

1/ dont make any money out of promoting like most promoters even the big ones dont make hardly any money and spend 7 days a week working on a promotion which i would probably be better off getting saturday & sunday petrol garage job. Which pays more

2/ I have met quiet alot of members on this site whilst out clubbing and even travelled to Leeds to meet members from London and my wife DJ in Leeds for CTW for no money at all 3/ what the hell is clubbing site if dont have a true repesentation of all events and clubs advertised then it would be just a half a clubbing site as it only allows a select few.


So you should think before accuseing people of spamming why not have a Promoter event suggestions and a Member event suggestions if that bothers you so much then the people who want the full rundown on whats on can see ,and the people who only want to see what they want can look in the members section



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