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I've definitely screwed my brain up


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QUOTE (teabag @ Jun 30 2004, 10:21)
Last night I kept seeing lots of people in my bedroom. I was in a semi-awake state and I was trying to scream and tell them to go away but couldn't get the words out. It was really scary and it happened about 5 times during the night. I have never experienced this before. I bloody hope it stops soon sad.gif

Just thought I would share that with you

its an out of body experence. i wouldnt worry too much about it as loads of people get them, even people that dont do drugs. that said, pills do incrase the likely hood of these sort of sleep related experences happening.


on a side note: scientists believe that alot of alien abduction experences are actually these (rather than little grey men litrally slicing you open)

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QUOTE (teabag @ Jun 30 2004, 10:43)
I keep twitching really violently too. I think an extended break from chemicals is needed

i just presumed you had torrets syndrome wink.gif

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QUOTE (Mr_Happy @ Jun 30 2004, 12:20)
on a side note: scientists believe that alot of alien abduction experences are actually these (rather than little grey men litrally slicing you open)

Damn Scientists, They are all wrong, it really did happen! blink.gif

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haha Mr Happy grin.gif


just realised the night hallucinations are due to the acid trips i took at Glasto (first time i'd taken it)! I won't be doing that stuff again! I've tried 5HTP before too, I didn't really think it made much of a difference to me, but I might go and buy some.


cheers for advice guys!



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i've had those type of dreams too, half-awake, half-asleep. its not lucid dreaming - thats where you can do what you want in a dream.


its all a result of fatigue and lack of serotonin. get some 5-HTP down ya after clubbing, its BADBOY.

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yeh stu, it is but it also, being aware that you are dreaming, but clearly teabag was just tripping tongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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I was definitely tripping. I just didnt realise that acid could last that long and I was panicking because I thought I had fucked up my brain for good by taking too many pills this weekend. Oh well, it will teach me not to be such a tit in future.

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QUOTE (Stu @ Jun 30 2004, 13:44)
its not lucid dreaming - thats where you can do what you want in a dream.

Didn't realise that's what lucid dreams were. Cool. I've had some quality lucid dreams over the last few months (the details of which I'm not prepared to divulge). secret.gif

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Guest Kether

It's called post glatonbury comedown, Ross has been getting them too. What happened is you did too many drugs for too long and your fragile little mind can't hack it.


I've been munching 5-HTP all week and haven't had any problems at all. I'm not insane though, fortunately.

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QUOTE (Kether @ Jun 30 2004, 17:54)
QUOTE (Mr_Happy @ Jun 30 2004, 17:39)
amazingly i stayed well behaved. didnt even get that drunk blink.gif

Why not?

shouldn't need chemicals to have a good time blahblah.gif


Aaron - that £6 sounds pretty good..i mean, what else would you spend £6 on, in any situation wink.gif i mgiht try them as well. i used to use repharm comedown kits which seemed to help..but they've gone out of business now (nothing to do with the product) so will be looking for something else once my supply of 5 kits of so runs out.


Liz - see if you can play chess with the imaginary friends thumbsup.gif tell me if you don't win

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Guest Kether

QUOTE (Phil rr @ Jun 30 2004, 18:04)
QUOTE (Kether @ Jun 30 2004, 17:54)
QUOTE (Mr_Happy @ Jun 30 2004, 17:39)
amazingly i stayed well behaved. didnt even get that drunk blink.gif

Why not?

shouldn't need chemicals to have a good time blahblah.gif


Aaron - that £6 sounds pretty good..i mean, what else would you spend £6 on, in any situation wink.gif i mgiht try them as well. i used to use repharm comedown kits which seemed to help..but they've gone out of business now (nothing to do with the product) so will be looking for something else once my supply of 5 kits of so runs out.


Liz - see if you can play chess with the imaginary friends thumbsup.gif tell me if you don't win

I don't but they do make the time a lot more fun.

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QUOTE (Kether @ Jun 30 2004, 18:10)

I don't but they do make the time a lot more fun.


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