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Loving the hair, as usual laugh.gif

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thank u sincerely, but alas that is my old hair from back when the whole clubbing scence started in '02 when cyber was cool, sweating was unavoidable and funky was the devils work.


cyber is dying in my circles and now i just don't feel confident enought to look 'different', cos noone else does.


going funky has been a revelation for me. i can use public transport *without* having to have a second cyber bus pass. when money is tight i just go to the budget golf store - no cyberdog £90 plastic trousers for me, and my hair takes no effort and apparantly looks fantastic - i thought this weekend people were mistaking me for some bloke called Tony Ungi, it just seemed easier to agree. all these years i cursed my unbalanced indecisive hair and i was offered 3 blow jobs! (2 off steph, didn't realise she was so thirsty)


Dancing is so much better. In my hardhouse days, I used to think that to be the greatest dancer i needed speed, agility, special moves and plenty of light props. The Accelerator song thats been going around used to seperate the men from the boys, but I tore my knee ligaments last time and dislocated my mates shoulder.


Now that i understand funky, its all about the groove, fluidity, libido and style. i'm waiting for the De-Accelerator song so I can end on my eyebrow move (unshaven), then lets see which one of us is worthy of everyone else's cum in their mouth...

cyber on the inside

desperately trying to fit in on the outside

hair by tony and guy

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  • CTW Members

Your nutz m8!


Talkin peeeeeeeeropa shite! laugh.gif

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  • CTW Members

I told u tryhard/funky is a way of life biggrin.gif

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