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FREE CD GIVE AWAY - Strange Dave live at Heats 2nd Birthday @Turnmills, London (13th September 2003)

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Ello Bonjour & G'day peep's :0)

Hope every one had a good week end, cuz i did!

Don't get chance to post much on here due to heavy work load ☹️

Well just incase any ones interested i've recorded my latest set live at Heat in London @Turnmills. I had a wicked time down there, was my first time at Turnmills and I'll be going back 😮

So here it is if you wont a FREE copy of my first EVER solo cd email ( strangedave@sundissential.com ) me ya name etc... and i'll be in touch.

Too Da Loo

S;-D x

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Weeeell, welcome to CTW matey!!! (I know you registered a while ago, but this is yer first post).


Just so you know though (not having a go, as you're new here) but this should've been in the "Promote Yourself" forum... But you'll know for next time.


Oh, mail coming at you now!

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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'Tis okay... One of the mods will move it soon! smile.gif

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

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  • James changed the title to FREE CD GIVE AWAY - Strange Dave live at Heats 2nd Birthday @Turnmills, London (13th September 2003)

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