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Sundissential: Madders - The Official Statement


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sentialSteve said:

Creamy- Its good to see im getting under your skin wink.gif Just out of interest, have you ever been to a SSN ?


Yes I have mate and contary to what you have read I thought it was an excellent club. But I have to point out that all this is just utter bollox. Who cares really? At the end of the day ask yourself where will you go if it ever went eh? You'll have to find another club, never thought you of all people would be a sheep, especially at your age mate. As for getting up my nose, not particuarly, bigger and better people have done that, not all perverts either.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Creamy- Not a sheep, i've visited loads of clubs all over the country but tend not to go out so much anymore so limit my clubbing to nights where i know im going to get what i want ie Music, atmosphere, and most importantly, lots of people i know.

Pervert, you're definition please?


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I was shocked and to be honest slightly sceptical of Madders' statement to begin with. I did believe it could have happened, but I was erring on the side of caution and not jumping to any quick conclusions - one way or the other. Is it Madders? And is it true? If so, as many have said, there's two sides to every story.


We've now had the reply from Sundissential Towers - almost 24 hours on. I don't believe that they have sought legal advice - otherwise they would have probably just given a statement saying something along the lines of, "We have spoken to our legal representatives who have advised us not to comment at this time." Either that, or a statement that would be very tight, no potentially libelous tones or statements - this looks as if it's been rushed. It does leave me thinking that this post was made by Madders, and he is telling the truth. Added to that the fact that Sundissential have replied, they also believe it is Madders.


Many people have made comments that basically state that he shouldn't be airing his points in the open. Well I'm sorry, but I think he should. We as Members have the right to know what has happened (if Sundissential is truly about Members), and then vote with our feet if we so wish. How else would we find out what is happening/has happened? A quietly fought court battle would just cause more rumours to do the rounds. If it's fought out with all sides of the story given to us, the Members, then we can weigh up the evidence and make our own minds up. That said, I think Madders may have made a few potentially libelous comments, unless those really are the nicknames he has given people. On that note, I find it interesting that Sundissential's response also states that Madders has made slanderous comments - another point which seems to confirm that Sundissential have not taken legal advice. It's in the written form, so if they are lies then it would be libel and not slander. Slander is in the spoken form, libel in the written. If what Madders has written is lies, then why haven't Sundissential sought legal advice?


No matter what your personal beliefs of Madders are, he is (and will always be) Mr Sundissential. One of the things he loves more than anything else in the world are Sundissential Members.


There are people that don't like Sundissential - it's not to everyone' liking. That's fair enough, nothing really ever is. However, to those of us that are regular Members there, we've struck up friendships, we've had fun, gone mad, partyed 'til sunrise (and often sunset the following day). The backbone of Sundissential, and the reason it has a special place in many people's hearts is the Members. Without it's loyal following, Sundissential is nothing.


Many people I've spoken to have said that Sundissential isn't what it used to be. There are lots of us that have seen the decline, and hated it. We've all witnessed/taken part in scoffing of the "Sundissential loves it's members" phrase - because recently we have felt unloved by Sundissential. Luckily for us, Sundissential Members love Sundissential Members. The hardcore few have kept the flame burning, but soon that may not be enough.


I myself had a break from Sundissential for a long time - and only in May did I return. The feeling wasn't quite the same, but the Members made the party. The feeling on and off the dancefloor, the smiles and hand shaking, the hugs and stomps. I questioned why I ever had my break, and was glad I was back. Back home. However, recently, I haven't been for about 8 weeks again. It became samey-samey. If it wasn't a big night, crowds were down. More "beer boys" (the bad sort, not the good sort which I recognise are a different breed!) were coming in. There's been other nights that I'd rather do - and have. Three of them have been in London in the past month.


I think it's no co-incidence that Madders made this statement on Sunday 28th September - the morning following the re-opening of Godskitchen at Air - just one day following the official launch of Air. Godskitchen now has a hard house room, and combined with the funky room can cater for Sundissential Members right away on a Saturday night in Birmingham. As Madders has pointed out, many of the Sundissential DJs are playing at Godskitchen in the coming weeks. In hindsight, many people asked why Gods were introducing a hard house room. I think we now know why.


I look forward to seeing how this one develops, but until I do I will be absteining from visiting "Home" - in this way I support Uncle Madders if this post is for real and not a wind up, but if this turns out to be a wind up/untrue I haven't turned my back on Sundissential. I'm looking forward to the court case to get the facts out in the open, whatever they may be. If what this statement says does turn out to be true, I will not visit Sundissential again under the current administration and management.


Madders' Sundissential ideals will always live on in the hearts of its Members, no matter what the future holds.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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Maria said:

Well said that man - and I agree with every word thumbs.gif


Seconded.... totally agree with him!!


At the end of the day tho.... as much as i do agree, the fact of the matter is, so long as you have a good night WHEREVER you go, isn't that what counts?

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Claire DC said:

Maria said:

Well said that man - and I agree with every word thumbs.gif


Seconded.... totally agree with him!!


At the end of the day tho.... as much as i do agree, the fact of the matter is, so long as you have a good night WHEREVER you go, isn't that what counts?


Yeah. Agreed also.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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SarahPvc said:

I work for Sundissential though & Madders knows i run this site so probably thinks its in my best interests to know his side of the story. I have heard both sides.


If I believed those were his motives (which I don't) I would say why didn't he PM you then ? What about all the other sites he's spammed ?

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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sentialSteve said:

Why read it then?

sleep.gif Why read it then?

sleep.gifsleep.gifDUHHH Dont read it then


How many times has this sort of thing been covered ? You can't know you don't want to read something until you've read it. Get a grip. banghead.gif



is downright offensive in it's implication.
awww there there, you poor little thing cuddle.gif


Thanks for the intelligent response. rolleyes.gif




The place for posts addressed to Sundissential Members is the Sundissential message-board, not blatently spammed across every clubbing site he could find.

Disagree, he's been slagged off on every message board so why shouldn't he try to defend himself on the same boards?


If you're a child of six maybe and want to get your own back maybe. Besides, where exactly has he been slagged off on this message board pray tell ? scratchchin.gif


Please learn to think coherently and dispassionately before posting your knee-jerk reactions in future.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Bukey, you keep going on about Sundissential members. I'll say it again. Stuff addressed to Sundissential members should be on the Sundissential website, not here.

What percentage of the 1933 registered members on here are Sundissential members ? Especially when you consider that this site is called ClubTheWorld. Bit of a small-minded view, isn't it ?

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Sorry, Ray. I think you're being over the top here. At the end of the day the post has sparked some interest and some of our members will be pleased to have heard both sides of the story. Just because this Madders geezer isn't part of our little 'tribe' doesn't mean that some members of the tribe don't want to hear what he has to say. Just because you're not interested (nor Creamy) doesn't meant to say this thread shouldn't be here...this website is more than a couple of its older members. The one comment you would have been most entitled to post (and one of your old favourites!) hasn't even surfaced...and you know which single word I'm talking about, don't you? wink.gif



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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fintbeast said:

Sorry, Ray. I think you're being over the top here. At the end of the day the post has sparked some interest and some of our members will be pleased to have heard both sides of the story. Just because this Madders geezer isn't part of our little 'tribe' doesn't mean that some members of the tribe don't want to hear what he has to say. Just because you're not interested (nor Creamy) doesn't meant to say this thread shouldn't be here...this website is more than a couple of its older members. The one comment you would have been most entitled to post (and one of your old favourites!) hasn't even surfaced...and you know which single word I'm talking about, don't you? wink.gif



well said that man!!! notworthy.gif

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I agree with FTB on this.


We've seen the rise and fall of a lecherous crack addict and this is his last attempt to lash out at those he alienated as he got more [censored] up.


The build up before he posted was a joke, he sees himself as some sort of spiritual leader and liking himself to Martin Luther King is as delusional as it is ridiculous.


I don't understand why Sundissential members love him so much. What was once a great and varied club night is now a haven for hard house loving drug [censored] ups, surely this says it all about Madders.


Now he's lost it all why should every website he can get on have to be subjected to his ramblings when most of it is quite clearly personal attacks aimed at Danny and the rest. It's not a statement, it's an incoherent load of bullshit typed out in desperation.


I, for one, have no sympathy.

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The website isn't being subjected to anything...message boards are an open form of communication...some people abuse this medium by trolling - causing some discomfort and a little pain to those daft enough to rise to their bait. Worse, some people hack message boards and bring them down - to the detriment of all users. This Madders chap has merely taken an easy (and, yes, imprecise) method of reaching as many of the people who will listen to him as possible. While those of us not interested in Sundissential and this whole sordid-sounding saga (me included!) may find this tiresome, others (as plainly seen by the number of views and replies) will be glad to have heard a little more.

I would be more inclined to take it as a compliment that CTW has been selected as having enough critical mass to be worth posting on. shrug.gif



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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