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  • CTW Members

in past lives? and if so do you think that what we do in a past life determines how our current life plays out?


like if you made really bad mistakes in a past life, would you spend the next life paying for those mistakes?

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  • CTW Members

i'm not really sure either, a friend of mine had past life regression therapy and it sounded so unlikely what she told me that i think it was a bit of a con, but there are reports that are bloody good and sound to be true wether or not they are

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  • CTW Members

Oh right, my mum's into ghost in stuff like she's seen a dead realtive or something goin happen bad in a dream or normal day


I know it's nothing to do with past lie but i sometime's get bad feeling when something bad going to happen and a lot of deja vu

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  • CTW Members

i'm like that myself.


when i was 11 my best friend was murdered and i dreamt it even though i wasn't even in the same country, i knew what had happened to her and exactly how she'd died.


it was well freaky, and now i tend to try not to remember my dreams

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  • CTW Members

when i was younger i got attack by a dog and had to haave the skin regrated bak on my back and the nite b4 i had a dream about dogs and every year the on the day it happend i have the same dream, i also have loads of recurring dreams which spook me out

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  • CTW Members

i only have one recurring dream and its more of nightmare than a dream, i get when i'm really stressed or really emotional. i know what it stems back to and i've tried alsorts to stop it it just doesn't want to go away.


it doesn't particularly spook me, but i can never sleep after it, sometimes for days in fear that i'll have it again

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  • CTW Members

i'm not all that keen on being hypnotised, you don't know they won't mess with your mind while your under.


i've tried conventional therapy and it didn't really work, think it as cos she had no clue how i felt

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if it was as simple as a fear of something i'd totally try it, but with it being a big issue i have i won't, i don't want to wake up thinking i'm a chicken or a duck or anything like that

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