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Win a pair of tickets to every Wildchild event next year


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Hello people! (don't know if I'm in the right forum...sorry if I'm not - feel free to move me around..!)


Just to let you know that Wildchild are giving away three awards at the birthday party (on Friday October 24th @ The Coronet) - and the winners will get their mitts on a pair of free tickets for every Wildchild event next year (yeah, what it says in the title wink.gif


Three of our 'judges' will be going around throughout the night looking for three people who are eligible to win:


a) The Groovy Mover Award yay.gif


B) The Ensemble With An Edge Award (any outfit/look that's wacky/weird/eyecatching/whatever...particularly if it's relating to the theme of the night - which is our first birthday!)


c) The Wildest Child Award (n.b - this has more to do with your attitude than anything else...by the way, when we say 'wild', we don't mean 'destructive'! angryfire.gifeek.gif


Winners and their pictures will be posted on www.wildchild-uk.com a week or so after the event..good luck,everyone!


PS: All rights reserved by the Reece Police bumshake.gif


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