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Quiet weekends. Do they exist anymore?


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Last weekend I was having a quieter one, I've had far too many mental ones of late. With being in London at least three out of the four weeks previous, and doing one if not two nights on each of the last eight, I'd decided to have a quieter one last weekend, and stay in this weekend just gone too - saving pennies for Tidy Weekender.


Oh, how I was wrong. "Having a quiet weekend" is the Bukey equivalent to a beer boy saying "I'm only staying for the one [pint]" - no matter how good the intentions were when said/decided.


So, the other Saturday came... Initially I'd decided to do Mod's house party - but then decided that I probably wouldn't have a "queit" one doing that, knowing me. It would have also cost more than going out in Brum, and with Tidy fast approaching I was going to stay in. Then I remembered the DJ compo at Sundissential, knowing a few of the people playing, and "knowing of" a few of the others too, I decided to do that. I was going out by myself with no real plan. I'd decided to go to Afters too, as that was cheaper than getting a taxi home.


By the time I got to Afters, I'd decided to do Shaft too... One of the promoters of another small club night in Birmingham, Suction, was playing a set at Shaft. He asked me if I was doing Suction the following Friday (which was the Friday just gone). I explained that I was supposed to be having a quiet one to save the pennies, and he reminded me it was a free party. That was my mind made up - Suction finished at 2, and the night bus was 2 minutes away, and left at 2:05.


Friday came, and I went for a quiet drink with a mate I used to work with. One of my old clubbing mates that has now gone to clubbing monthly. Had a couple of quiet jars and left him about 7ishpm to get the train back into town. I had to wait a good 45 minutes for the train, so in the meantime gave Baz (another mate) a call to see if he was going to Suction too. He was, and I was only around the corner from his place, so instead of waiting for th train I went around his.


Baz, Nix (his girlfriend) and I then spent a couple of hours making a "Winnie the Pooh" waistcoat for him. It took us a fair while to decide the best way to do it, and then even longer stiching it together. I'd finished sewing one of the front pieces to the back, and then realised I'd sewn up the arm. Nix had done the same on the other side. Fools. I rectified the one arm hole and as time was getting on we decided the waistcoat would have to wait for the following night before having its debut (the fluff hadn't even been added yet).


Arriving at Suction, we'd already decided that we were pretty much going to do SLAG afterwards (yeah, yeah, 2:05 bus and all that had flown out the window). We had a good time at Suction - not quite the usual level of looniness, but Baz wasn't feeling his best and Gazza couldn't make it. The three of us usually bounce off each other like basketballs on a court.


SLAG was okay, but playing funk and a little empty - after a while we decided to go up to Radius. The venue plays host to loads of different club nights and it was another funky night. It did however have loads more body's and was packed out. Had a good time there - even got moving to the funk after listening to hard house earlier on. Very strange indeed!


The night came to an end, and it was leaving time. At this point there were two of us left, the other being Stu. We went for a quick brekkie drink at Maccys and then round to Stuarts place so he could spin some hard techno tunes. He played a good three hour set, listening to some of his brand new tunes and some of his normal stuff too. I found some techno that I not only liked, but specific tracks I really, really, really liked. He'd impressed me a lot. It was the first time I'd heard him play as hard as that, and it was great to hear. I like techno - and especially the harder stuff and the harder German stuff too - of which Stu has plenty.


I then went home, got freshened up, changed and converted another one of my brothers friends to hard house (I'm working on them one by one - much to his disapproval). Stu was then around to pick me up - I'd decided to do Obliter8. It was a hard dance night rather than "hard house" - some techno in there (Stu was playing the first set), and then Alex Towse, Adam Moore (both who I hadn't heard since their 2Klub days) and Sarah G. It was a good night but pretty empty, unfortunatley. I'd been asked by a few people if I was going to go to Sundissential afterwards, and then Afters. At first I said I was unsure... This pretty soon changed to a "Yes." Despite deciding earlier on in the week to abstein from SS for a while as things are sorted out, I've still got friends there, I still enjoy the music - and I wanted to see if there was any impact after the statements made earlier in the week. I'll post more elsewhere about all that. Needless to say, it wasn't rammed but with the factory, balcony and top lounge shut, the rest was fairly full. I bumped into loads of people I hadn't seen in ages, and had a blast. It was also great to see so many cybers out - in numbers I haven't seen in ages. I even got asked why I wasn't cybered up. smile.gif


As we were coming towards the end of Sundis, Baz received a text. One of his mates in Telford couldn't get across for Afterssential - all his possible lifts had bailed out. Baz said he'd collect him, and so we headed over to pick him and his girlfriend up after Sundissential shut.


We got back to Afters around 7ish, and had a blast. The atmosphere didn't quite feel as electric as it normally does, but that could be because I was starting to tire a bit. Still, all was good fun. By this point, I'd already decided to do Shaft, and after that we were going back to Baz's to listen to him spin a few tunes (he's only recently got his decks - it's good to listen to and support a mate starting out).


I got home last night about 9 o'clock. Knackered, but had had loads of fun. I wouldn't change a thing.


The moral of this very long-winded story, boys and girls, is to never believe me if I say I'm having a quiet weekend.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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miss_diddy said:

Sorry Bukey too long to read hon!!! eek.gif


Shall I post it in daily installments?

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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bloody hell that was long, but I did read it and I can now see why you had the urge to ring me and talk bollocks.


I've decided its not possible to have a quite weekend aswell. Since thursday night I've only left the house for about 5 hours and its been one of the most strenuous weekends I've had in ages.

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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