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The moderation on this site is wank...

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...or the posting on this site occasionally falls outside the bounds of the forum rules...and those whose posts are moderated / edited / deleted don't like it. Please discuss.


Where you think the moderating is 'wank', please give examples and state how you think it could be better.


Please don't just slate something, without saying why...how are we supposed to improve if we don't have any indication?



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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I have to admit that the moderating is very inconsistent. Don't ask for examples cos frankly I can't remember what I had for breakfast. There has been instances were stuff has been deleted but then I've seen virtually identical comments being left on another occasion. I know you lot (moderators) are trying to clamp down on certain things but if its going to be done it needs to be done consistently.

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I am going to be totally honest now & say that since the changes have taken place the moderation has gone abit OTT!!!

Ok we are all aware that blatant remarks ref drug use is not really permitted, but the off topic issues.. well this is a chat forum & this is what peeps are doing, in the post earlier you deleted or said were going of topic had one of your very own moderators in it!!! :shrug:

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Fair comment, Paul. We would ask for some understanding...this is a fairly steep learning curve...and one thing many people seem to forget is that this all done in the interests of the majority of the members on the site. It's one thing to have posts moderated arbitrarily and being upset...I can understand the frustration, but we do attempt to explain our actions where possible. What I don't understand is why people get upset when something that clearly contravenes the rules is deleted / edited...what's the big deal...we all know the rules! Just because another post has been left is irrelevant...it might have been missed...have been posted before the rules took shape...have been replied to before being noticed by mods...have somehow contributed to the debate, more than than the infringement may have detracted from the general atmosphere / debate. It's a fine line...we are learning...and we are trying to give a more full account of our reasons where we can. This is not always possible...there is more to life than moderating ctw...in fact, there is more to life than ctw...and we are all doing this voluntarily.


So how about giving us the benefit of the doubt?




Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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no complaints.


i dont thinkt he rules are restrictive in the slightest. infact i'm all for em. as for the inconsistancy, i've not noticed any, but if there is i'm sure its down to posts not being spotted (which is where us mortals come in :P )


the only comment would be about how some threads are moved into diff forums when they are applicable for the forum they were originally posted in.

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It would appear we 'cant win'. Many of us have spent far too long thinking/worrying about the moderation side of things to the point of holding up far more important changes/enhancements/progress. I'm trying not to get involved so much in the moderating these days and am very thankfully to head moderator @Don, you @fintbeast and the other moderators for helping out and trying to get realistic rules and guidelines in place.

As @alasdairm once said, Moderating is an art - it really isn't that cut & dry at times and the backlash of moderating some posts properly isn't worth it. Also, trying to keep long time members happy is difficult when moderation rules are put in place because we never used to have to worry when we were less exposed as a site.

I personally think the moderating is a LOT better than it used to be and is more consistent, although still a way to go. End of the day we do miss posts and as @fintbeast says, Moderating CTW is a far lower priority for me than other things these days. What angers me the most is that some people refuse to give us 'the benefit of the doubt' and are only here to throw their toys our of their prams and cause a stir. We never used to have stirrers in the early days which is why we didn't have so many questions raised about moderating - people WERE far more sensible back then - no one felt they had to go on about what they took at the weekend, also there were far less personal attacks and insults.

We will do whatever it takes - even if it means 'moderating to hell' - to get the community back to portraying a friendly community, as it used to. If this means getting rid of a few troublemakers then so be it. People like WizzyBB and Justin have now been banned...

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No, I mean the favouring of a small select group of posters... Anyone outside this group who posts something which the select group doesn't agree with gets all types of [censored] over it... As I said to fint in a PM, I am confrontational by nature and will not be 'bullied' by said group...

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James said:

trying to keep long time members happy is difficult when moderation rules are put in place because we never used to have to worry when we were less exposed as a site.


In a nutshell, if anybody was in any doubt, this is why moderation has increased in recent weeks. It is difficult to keep people happy (as Henry Ford once said, 'you can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time...but you can't please all of the people all of the time...'), but like I said we are trying to achieve what we think is best for the site.


Rick, I can't be arsed to post your pm either, but there was very little information about the 'nazi moderation' anyway. If you've got specific examples (as I'm sure you have) please share. We can't change what we don't see... shrug.gif



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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rickd said:

No, I mean the favouring of a small select group of posters... Anyone outside this group who posts something which the select group doesn't agree with gets all types of [censored] over it ... As I said to fint in a PM, I am confrontational by nature and will not be 'bullied' by said group...


I personally don't think this is true, but as I've been saying, please give some examples. If it needs to be held up to the spotlight in the interests of improvement, I for one won't have any objections. Please share, Rick. Don't take this the wrong way, but I do think you're reading some things the wrong way and, consequently, getting a little paranoid. shrug.gif



Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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We keep going over old ground with 'why we moderate' - to me its 'total common sense', to others its 'wank'

I guess we are just different people, end of the day though we are setting the guidelines for the board we run and you have to accept them.

I'm not losing any more sleep/time over this.

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fintbeast said:

rickd said:

No, I mean the favouring of a small select group of posters... Anyone outside this group who posts something which the select group doesn't agree with gets all types of [censored] over it ... As I said to fint in a PM, I am confrontational by nature and will not be 'bullied' by said group...


I personally don't think this is true, but as I've been saying, please give some examples. If it needs to be held up to the spotlight in the interests of improvement, I for one won't have any objections. Please share, Rick. Don't take this the wrong way, but I do think you're reading some things the wrong way and, consequently, getting a little paranoid. shrug.gif

fint, I gave you one example in the PM I just sent you before reading this...


That is one example of many... As you said in your PM though, you only care about the serious forum, you don't give a [censored] about the other forums, so I will only point out those that are made in the serious forum to keep it fair...

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Why dont you set up a message board with what you think is the perfect Moderation structure with the perfect rules & guidelines - then we can use this as the perfect example of how to moderate and we can all learn something.

I sure as hell have given up trying to work out what you are on about anymore ...


Moderators - why do we (including me) consistently listen to what is in effect 'a select few' - the majority of members are very happy with the moderating guidelines and how we moderate.

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James said:



Moderators - why do we (including me) consistently listen to what is in effect 'a select few' - the majority of members are very happy with the moderating guidelines and how we moderate.


I have noticed that most of the disputes are down to a very vocal minority.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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